Sunday, December 1, 2013

Saints Row OC

Basic Information

Full Name: Veronica Rebecca Park (nee Harrington)
Nicknames: Roni (by everyone), V (by everyone), Recca (by everyone), Baby Girl (by Benjamin), Queen (by Matt)
Aliases: N/A

Age: 29 (as of Saints Row IV)
Birthday: October 31st, 1990

Race/Ethnicity: African-American
Religion: Agnostic
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Place Of Birth: Fort Hood, Texas, United States Of America
Current Residence: Steelport, Michigan, United States Of America
Fluent Languages: English, Spanish, Korean
Relationship Status: Widowed

Occupation: U.S. Marine (former), STAG (former), 3rd Street Saint (current)

Physical Appearance

Overall Figure: Veronica has a well-developed and athletic figure, keeping herself in shape as much as she can.

Height: 5'5
Weight: 126 lbs

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Varies

Piercings: Ears
Jewelry: Ring
Tattoos: Veronica has the word "Survivor" on her left arm, a phoenix on her back, and the Anima Sola on her sternum.
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Veronica has scars and burns on her back from an injury.

Clothing Style: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3


Smoker - No | Drinker - Yes (heavily) | Drug User - Yes

Disabilities (Physical or Otherwise): N/A
Mental Illnesses: PTSD and depression
Addictions: Alcoholism and dilaudid
Allergies: N/A


Veronica is a woman with a quiet, icy, and classy demeanor. She's usually distant and reserved, preferring to express herself through her actions rather than words. Whenever she does speak, she speaks candidly and bluntly with lots of sass. Veronica absolutely abhors small talk and frivolousness. Deep, interesting, and meaningful conversations are more up her alley. Veronica isn't easy to get close to and her headstrong, emancipated nature just makes it even more difficult. She applies the term "Quality over quantity" to everything in her life, especially people. She's rather choosy and picky about who she allows in her heart and is very observant which helps her with making those decisions.

Veronica is very ambitious and has a hard work ethic, bordering on being a workaholic. She's very dominant, tough-minded, and disciplined. She has a "common sense" and "big sister" role amongst her peers, giving them advice, warning them of their actions, and being very protective of them. Veronica has a lot of hidden trauma and pain hidden underneath her "ice queen" persona and keeps many cards close to her chest. She prefers to keep her feelings inside and rarely expresses them.

But one would be a fool to think that Veronica doesn't have a wild and crazy side. Sometimes she gets tired of putting up her walls and will let them down but only when she truly feels comfortable enough to do so. When she does so, Veronica will become kind and even generous and affectionate. She also isn't afraid to have a good laugh and has a healthy if not varied sense of humor. Because of the amount of pain Veronica has gone through in her life, she has a high amount of empathy as well as a big heart and can easily insert herself into other people's shoes. If she sees someone in trouble or struggling, no matter how big or small, she'll do everything in her power to help them if they'll accept it. Her compassion knows no bounds.
Veronica's trauma and pain runs deep and it has caused her to become rather repressed and inhibited, especially sexually. She has kept everything inside for so long that she doesn't know how to be vulnerable and open up to others. Despite her beauty, Veronica doesn't think very highly of herself, thinks that her body is unattractive and unworthy of sex and love, and also feels guilt and shame when it comes to expressing herself sexually and having sexual desires. This is something that Veronica is afraid to admit despite evidence to the contrary and it has caused issues in her personal relationships which causes more pain for her.

Theme Song: Missing by Evanescence

Fears: Being taken advantage of, being vulnerable
Favorite Color: Black
Hobbies: Reading, cars, motorcycles, video games, cooking
Tastes In Music: What Veronica listens to depends on how she's feeling. She has a wide variety of music that she listens to.


  • Veronica is a skilled markswoman as well as tactician and has won many awards and badges during her time in the Marines.
  • Veronica's main specialties are analysis and counterintelligence. She's excellent at blending in, being undercover, interrogation, and stealth. 
  • Veronica is quite passionate about cars and motorcycles, being a very skilled mechanic and even participating in races whenever she can. She also has quite a collection that she rarely shares with anyone, considering her cars and bikes her babies.


Peaceful or Aggressive: Aggressive
Fighting Skills:
  • Kickboxing
  • Judo
  • Wushu

Family, Friends, and Foes

Mother: Aileen Grant (nee Banks) | Police Lieutenant | Alive
Stepfather: Anthony Grant | U.S. Navy (former), Fire Captain (current) | Alive
Stepuncle: Mark Grant | IT Specialist | Alive
Father: David Harrington | U.S. Marine (former), Engineer (current) | Alive
Stepmother: Charlene Harrington (nee Morton) | U.S. Army (former), Lawyer (current) | Alive
Younger Sister: Tiana Harrington | Alive
Younger Sister: Tisean Harrington | Alive
Stepbrother: Anthony Grant Jr. | Chef | Alive
Husband: Liam Park | U.S. Navy | Deceased
Son: Vincent Park | Deceased

Crush: Matt Miller, Johnny Gat, The Boss, Asha Odekar, Kinzie Kensington, Shaundi

Past: Veronica's father David was a U.S. Marine and he had met her mother Aileen while he was in college. They fell in love which resulted in Aileen getting pregnant and they eloped in Hawaii. The couple settled down in Fort Hood, Texas where Veronica was born. She had a happy childhood and many great memories but little did she know, things were going to get really bad really quickly.

Aileen and David had gotten divorced when Veronica was 8 due to irreconcilable differences and her parents shared custody of her but Veronica spent most of her time at her mom's place due to her father's career. Her mother had gotten remarried to an officer in the U.S. Navy who already had a son and her father had gotten remarried to a prominent military lawyer and had two more daughters.
Having a blended family made Veronica come out of her shell and she had great memories with her newfound stepparents and siblings but there were some bad memories to go along with them. Her stepfather Anthony's younger brother Mark was inappropriate with Veronica from the moment he first met her and the grooming soon escalated to full-blown rape when she was 13. Whenever there was a family gathering or reunion, Veronica would be subject to sexual and mental abuse at the hands of Mark but as she got older, she began to fight back against him and avoided him whenever possible, wanting to get away from him and never see him again.

After graduating from high school, Veronica decided to enlist into the Marines, following in her father's footsteps and her MOS was 5811: Military Police. She quickly built a name for herself thanks to her determination/tenacity, hard work ethic, and sassy attitude and it wasn't long before she worked her way up the ranks and became a Special Agent in the Criminal Investigation Division. During this time, she met a Korean man by the name of Liam Park who was a Hospital Corpsman in the U.S. Navy and was serving alongside her unit. The two instantly gravitated towards each other and it wasn't long before they started dating and began a passionate love affair. They eventually had a son together named Vincent after Veronica got her Bachelor's in Criminal Justice and eloped six months later.

Veronica was very good at her job to the point where she was considered lethal (even being awarded a Silver Star for her actions) and after 6 years in the Marines, she left due to a back injury and decided to settle down in Steelport with her husband and son where she was contacted by Cyrus Temple. Because of her career in the Marines, he had wanted her to join STAG and work alongside him and Kia to take down the gangs in Steelport. But tragedy struck when Liam and Vincent were killed by a drunk driver which devastated Veronica.
Not having much direction in life at that point and full of grief, Veronica agreed to join STAG to support herself but it wasn't long before she came to regret her decision due to STAG's tactics and her own personal dislike for Cyrus and Kia. She got her chance to escape when she went undercover within the Saints and her growing relationships within the gang only solidified her decision. Finally knowing where she belonged, Veronica turned on STAG and became a full-fledged Saint from then on and has been part of the gang ever since while dealing with her grief and her various demons that constantly plague her.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Winx Club OCs

Name: Trinity
Nickname: Lady Luck
Age: depends on the roleplay
Birthday: March 5th
Fairy of: Luck
Planet: Trinity is from a planet called Vigrid which she is also the princess of.
Powers/Abilities: Trinity can bring good or bad luck to others depending on her mood and feelings towards them. In battle, she can roll dice to deal damage to her enemies based on her results. She can also spin reels to either deal damage or to help her allies. But if she gets a dud, then damage will be dealt to her. Trinity is also skilled at hand to hand combat and is capable of fighting without magic.

Personality: Trinity is a kind and honorable woman. She's very fierce and independent and won't hesitate to speak her mind. She's rather intelligent and witty. Trinity is fearless and streetwise and resembles the rebellious princess archetype. She's quite passionate, stubborn, and short-tempered. Trinity refuses to be mistreated, undermined, demeaned, or controlled by anyone due to her rebellious, tough attitude. She has a lot of pride and hates to think herself as dependent on anyone. Trinity has suffered a lot and is very empathetic as a result. She doesn't like to see anyone close to her suffer and will do whatever she can to help them. She's very loyal to her friends and family and will gladly give her life for them, not letting anyone mess with them.

Likes: video games, dancing, food, music, exercising, being independent, being free, sleeping, horror films
Dislikes: being vulnerable, losing, math, being helpless, seeing others in pain, killing

Best friends: Trinity is very close to Flora, Layla/Aisha, and Musa. She is also good friends with Riven and is childhood friends with Sky.
Friends: Trinity is friends with the rest of the Winx and the Specialists.
Enemies: Trinity considers the Trix to be her worst enemies. She also hates anyone who harms her friends.
Crush: Her bodyguard Riley
Relationship with crush: Trinity is close to Riley and appreciates him greatly. Although she hates to think of her as dependent on anyone, ironically whenever she has a problem she always rushes to him for comfort. Trinity is passionate towards Riley and has no qualms about telling him how she feels. But she has a tendency to let her pride get in the way at times. Trinity is possessive of Riley but he oddly doesn't mind. She is always there for him no matter what, not wanting him to suffer and hurt anymore.

Talents: Trinity is a master at gambling and loves to sing. She is also skilled at writing stories and poetry.
Shortcomings: Trinity can't swim. She has a fear of bugs.

Mother: Queen Sindel | Alive
Father: King Jerod | Deceased
Past: Trinity was born to Queen Sindel and King Jerod of the planet Vigrid. At a young age, she was taught and trained the ways of the battlefield due to an oncoming threat that she was oblivious to. When she was 13, Vigrid went to war with another planet known as Inferno that was ruled by a tyrant named Seymour. The war was long and grueling and Trinity was faced with certain death many times. But due to her powers, she always managed to survive. Vigrid eventually won the war but not without suffering extreme casualties including the death of Trinity's father. Wanting to escape from the horrible memories, Trinity quickly enrolled into Alfea, eager to start a new life.

Name: Riley
Nickname: Dr. R
Age: depends on the roleplay
Birthday: December 2nd

Planet: Riley is from Vigrid.
Abilities: Riley is a skilled martial artist and is also a proficient swordsman. Due to him being a gypsy, he has some skills in witchcraft but rarely uses it.

Personality: Riley isn't very talkative at first glance. He is secretive and mysterious, not one for divulging information about himself. Riley is cynical and only reveals information when he needs to. He's tough and loves a good fight/challenge but he's also sensible enough to sense trouble a mile away. If he feels his friends are getting too enthusiastic or drawing unnecessary attention to themselves, he uses sarcastic cracks to jolt them to their senses. Riley is a philosopher and gives unbiased, calm advice which makes him a good person to go to. In spite of his dry wit and lukewarm demeanor, he truly values his friends and is quite protective if not possessive of them. Riley hides his turmoil and suffering through his sarcastic and tough front, not wanting others to think differently of him or pity him. Although he is cunning and sly, one thing that many people can say about Riley is that he's very dependable to the point of being the "big brother" amongst his friends.

Likes: fast food, horror films, fortune telling, palm reading, dancing, witchcraft, cartoons, swords
Dislikes: wars, discrimination, science, large crowds, being tied down, losing, people who pry into his personal space

Talents: Riley is good at fortune telling and palm reading. He is also a very good dancer. His navigating skills are excellent and never fail to come in handy.
Shortcomings: Riley isn't very good at using technology. He sucks at driving and flying due to his short temper.
Health/Mental Issues: Riley suffers from PTSD and shows many symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, and behavioral problems.

Best friends: Riley is best friends with Riven and has a brotherly relationship with him. He is close to Helia and Sky as well, knowing Sky since childhood.
Friends: Riley is friends with the rest of the Specialists and considers the Winx to be his friends also.
Enemies: Riley despises the Trix. He doesn't like anyone who poses a threat to the people he cares about.
Crush: Trinity
Relationship with crush: Riley is Trinity's bodyguard and as expected he is quite protective of her. If she ever needs him, no matter what he's doing he will always rush to her aid. Riley is possessive of Trinity and gets easily jealous where she's concerned. Although he does care about her and wants the best for her, he sometimes gets annoyed by her prideful nature and wishes that she would depend on him completely and belong only to him. Ironically Riley is rather dependent on Trinity especially when it comes to his issues. He loves her very much and isn't afraid to show or say it.

Adoptive Mother: Bellemere | Deceased
Older sister: Esmeralda | Alive
Past: Riley was born to a pair of gypsies who were killed not too long after he was born. He and his older sister Esmeralda were taken in by a female named Bellemere who was the general of the Vigrid army. When Riley became of age, he and his sister were trained rigorously in preparation for the upcoming war by their adoptive mother and he became the princess Trinity's bodyguard in the process. 

During the war, Bellemere was killed right in front of Riley and he was kidnapped and tortured by some of Seymour's soldiers for several days before finally being rescued by the royal family. The experience traumatized him and he was never the same again after that incident. Riley began to train more intensively, not wanting to get hurt ever again or lose anyone else close to him. He soon enrolled in Red Fountain, wanting to hone his skills and to hopefully start anew and escape his past.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Criminal x Normal Person (Template © 2013, LaBelleReine )

Full Name: Savannah Maria Houston
Nicknames/Alias: Scorpion
Age: 26
Birth Date: November 4th, 1989
Fluent Languages: Savannah is fluent in English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and French. She is currently in the process of learning Portuguese. 
Religion: Agnostic
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Savannah owns a shop and restaurant with her sister Gloria.
Scent: Savannah likes to use scented soaps and body wash of all fragrances.
Clothing style: Savannah often wears clothes that are comfortable yet sexy that show off her body.
Scars, Piercings, and Tattoos: Savannah has a tattoo of a scorpion on her right forearm and a tattoo of a red rosé on her stomach.

Personality: Savannah is mysterious and alluring, giving off a rather sexy and sensual aura. She is very observant and intelligent, able to complete certain tasks faster than others. Savannah is very devoted to her job and is a bit of a workaholic. She is seductive and manipulative. She is usually calm but is no stranger to outbursts of emotion. Savannah prefers to be alone but doesn't mind socializing. She may seem cold and uncaring but she doesn't trust others easily due to her being hurt and betrayed several times in the past. Savannah's worst trait is her cynicism. She has a cynical outlook on most things including love. She normally acts out of self interest rather than philanthropy but she has her moments of kindness. Savannah is tough and sassy, always having an answer for everything. She just has to have the last word.
Likes: food, video games, sex, movies, her job, astrology, reading, technology, anime
Dislikes: being betrayed/tricked, not having the last word, losing, failure, being broke, being trapped, elevators
Talents: Savannah is a very good dancer and singer. She is also a very good cook.
Shortcomings: Savannah is not very good at repairing things. She also isn't very good with kids but she's working on it.


Father: Wayne Houston | U.S. Army Drill Sergeant | Alive
Mother: Alice Houston (nee Rose) | Lawyer | Alive
Younger sister: Gloria Houston | Stripper | Alive
Older sister: Robin Houston | Nurse | Deceased
Pets: Savannah has a Siberian Husky named Penelope.

Birth place: New Orleans, Louisiana
Current Residence: Memphis, Tennessee
Biography: Savannah was born into an upper middle class family in New Orleans, Louisiana. Her childhood was filled with great memories but it had its problems. At the age of 12, she was raped by her uncle and became pregnant only to suffer a miscarriage. Her parents' marriage was a bit unstable due to their jobs but they always managed to make things work between them. When Hurricane Katrina swept over New Orleans, Savannah and her family were forced to go to Memphis, TN where they lived with her grandparents until they got back on their feet. Her older sister Robin was unfortunately one of the many victims that was taken by the hurricane. After graduating from high school, Savannah originally planned to go to college and major in Psychology but she ultimately decided to open up a shop and restaurant with her younger sister Gloria who also moonlights as a stripper.

Full Name: Ryo Honjo
Nicknames/Aliases: Ryo goes by the hacker alias Nero.
Age: 20
Birth Date: March 3rd, 1995
Fluent Languages: Ryo is fluent in English  and Japanese.
Religion: Atheist
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Ryo is a prostitute, street fighter, and hacker.
Scent: Ryo often uses his favorite cologne which has a spicy, distinct smell.
Clothing Style: Ryo's dress style is a mix between punk, goth, and emo.
Scars, Piercings, and Tattoos: Ryo has a large scar on his abdomen from a knife fight that he was in. He has a tattoo of his mom's name on his left forearm.

Personality: Ryo is very cunning and wise beyond his years. He is street smart, witty, and charismatic, able to talk and charm his way out of anything. He is free-spirited and doesn't like being told how to live which makes him quite the rebel. Ryo is very creative and quite sensitive, able to easily feel the pain of others and relate to them even if he disagrees with their actions. However he is secretive as well and doesn't like to talk about himself. Ryo is wary of forming close relationships due to his belief that he will always be alone in the end, a belief that he came to have following his mother's death. He has had clients profess love for him in the past which caused him to break things off with them due to that belief.
Likes: music, romance novels, horror films, anime, video games, cigarettes, alcohol, cologne, money, sex, rain, kids
Dislikes: religion, being told what to do, hypocrites, Call Of Duty, summer, onions, ignorance, people knowing too much about him, guns
Talents: Ryo is very good at gambling. He is a talented musician and is good with cars and motorcycles.
Shortcomings: Ryo can't swim. He isn't very good at drawing.


Father: Ren Honjo | Businessman | Alive
Mother: Nana Honjo | Singer | Deceased
Younger brother: Kairi Honjo | College student | Alive
Pets: Ryo has a cat named Neo.

Birth place: England, London
Current residence: Memphis, Tennessee
Biography: Despite being Japanese, Ryo was born and raised in England. When he was 13, his mother died from a drug overdose. Her death took a major toll on the family and Ryo and his brother Kairi often worried about their father who was becoming mentally unstable and drinking heavily. At the age of 16, Ryo met a flight attendant named Elizabeth who soon introduced him to sex, fighting, and hacking. She is his pimp and Ryo thinks of her as a mentor of sorts. He managed to graduate from high school and instead of going to college, he moved to the U.S. and struck out on his own. Ryo still keeps in contact with his brother while his relationship with his father is estranged.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bleach AU OC


Name: Candace Veronica Anne Santiago

Nicknames: Candy Cane (by her clients; stage name), Ronnie (by everyone), Ronnie Ann (by everyone)

Age: 22

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Mexican and African-American

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Birthday: November 9th

Life Story: Candace's mother Leticia was very immoral, promiscuous, and devoid of all manner in her youth. Her sexual adventures resulted in Candace and her older brother Benjamin being born and she had to raise them by herself without any of their fathers around. Leticia became very religious but was also abusive, neglectful, and an alcoholic. At the age of five, Candace was molested and raped by a man named Dylan that her mother was dating. Although she told her mother, it fell on deaf ears and Candace internalized the pain and began to go down a dark path.

Starting at age 7, she began stealing and lying compulsively and by age 13, she was hanging with the wrong crowd, becoming sexually active, and running away from home. Candace learned her many artifices and maneuvers from a close mentor/cousin of hers named Steve who was a transvestite. On her 16th birthday, she stole Leticia's mortgage money and a big argument ensued which led to Candace moving out on her own.

Steve's death only fueled the stirring fire within Candace and she decided to go to law school to become a lawyer. Now she's currently attending college, doing many things to get by including illegal activities.

~~About Her~~

Personality: Candace is a secretive, scandalous, roguish, and crafty jezebel with a very mischievous, flippant, saucy, presumptuous, and extremely nervy attitude. Often she subjugates others through her many forms of manipulation, extortion, low blows, and dirt she's able to obtain on people. Unprincipled and unscrupulous, Candace often engages in rather questionable activities and thuggish behaviors such as conning/robbing, being an escort and mistress, engaging in elaborate forms of blackmail, etc.

Candace often expresses a discontentment with growing up with nothing and the dysfunctional family life she feels was brought on by her mother's bad choices and sexual immoralities. As a result, she longs for wealth and power and will go to any and all lengths to rise to the top, not caring what it takes. Candace will even exhibit some signs of possible psychopathic behavior and often uses her feminine wiles to get what she wants.

Despite her vixen-like ways, Candace is a person who is devoted to and loyal to her closest friends and will do anything to be there for them and support them, even to the point of being self-destructive and reckless. In addition, Candace is very open-hearted and friendly, acting as such in her typical bold, uncaring fashion.

Good Habits: Ambitious, loyal, bold, popular, friendly, creative

Bad Habits: Greedy, secretive, manipulative, reckless, immoral, lusty

Likes: Money, power, her brother, being in control, parties, dancing, winning

Dislikes: Her mother, being broke, losing, being tied down, close-mindedness

Hobbies: Reading, dancing, fighting, gambling, cooking, singing

Fears: Not having power, being penniless, being sexually assaulted

~~Dreams and Talents~~

Ambition/Life-long Dream: To become a lawyer and to be rich and powerful

Occupation: Escort, Singer, Street Dancer, College Student

~~Family and Friends~~


Mother: Leticia Santiago | Alive


Older Brother: Benjamin Santiago | Mechanic | Alive

Relatives: Unknown

Pets: Candace has a pet cat named Midnight.

Crush: Toshiro Hitsugaya, Byakuya Kuchiki, Tatsuki Arisawa, Kukaku Shiba

~~Looks and Appearance~~

Body Type: Petite and curvy

Blood Type: O-

Height: 5'11

Weight: 180 lbs

Outfit 1:

Outfit 2:

Outfit 3:

Makeup: Varies

Scent: Lavender and rosemary

Hairstyles: Candace styles her hair depending on the situation, outfit, and how she feels.

Scars, Tattoos, and/or Piercings: Candace has a devil tattooed on her back, a tribal design on her upper right arm, and a dragon on her left arm.


~~Extra Information~~

Theme Song: Sinner by Drowning Pool

Quote: "Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?"

Favorite Foods: Cheeseburgers, ramen, leeks, steak

Favorite Color: Black

Favorite Number: 13

Favorite Season: Summer

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Favorite Time Of Day: Night

Monday, October 7, 2013

Fast and Furious OC

Basic Information

Full Name: Shizuru Anita Yukimura
Nicknames: Lady Luck, Dr. S, Shizu, Preacher's Kid
Aliases: N/A

Age: 28 (as of Furious 7)
Birthday: August 5th, 1986

Ethnicity: Japanese
Religion: Mormon (former), Christian (current)
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
Current Residence: Varies
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, Japanese
Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Varies

Physical Appearance

Overall Figure: Shizuru has a thick and curvaceous figure, standing at 5'10 and weighing 210 lbs.

Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Since Shizuru's hair is short, she never styles it. She used to have long hair but cut it a few years ago.

Piercings: Ears
Tattoos: Shizuru has the phrase "Burn Rubber Not Your Soul" on her chest, the word "Unbreakable" on her left arm, the word "Survivor" on her right arm, a lion on her abdomen, and a trail of music notes going across her lower back.
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Shizuru has many scars from her teacher who abused her. Most notably on her back, abdomen, and legs.

Clothing Style: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Accessories: Shizuru always wears a studded choker and a finger ring.


Smoker - Yes (formally) | Drinker - Yes | Drug User - Yes (formally)

Disabilities (Physical or Otherwise): N/A

Mental Illnesses: Shizuru suffers from depression, anxiety, and PTSD and she often exhibits the following symptoms:
  • Nightmares and Night Terrors: It's more common for Shizuru to have nightmares than normal dreams. Her night terrors are very vivid and terrify her to the point where she sometimes refuses to sleep and has bouts of insomnia.
  • Flashbacks: If triggered, Shizuru will have vivid flashbacks which can have dangerous consequences for those around her due to her not being able to distinguish reality from fantasy and friends from enemies.
  • Behavioral Issues: Shizuru often exhibits agitation, irritability, hostility, and hypervigilance.
  • Panic/Anxiety Attacks: Shizuru will often have these much to her embarrassment and they can be triggered just like her flashbacks.
Addictions: Shizuru was once addicted to dilaudid, cocaine, and heroin.
Allergies: No known allergies


Shizuru is a stubborn, mischievous and rebellious young woman. She is the archetypal punk-rocker, expressed in both her music taste and style. She is bold and outgoing, has a big mouth often making snarky comments, acts fearless and loves to take risks, which often gets her in trouble. She can be prone to angry outbursts and has serious issues with trust due to suffering from abuse and manipulation from her peers and authority figures. She is a misanthropic loner, being generally distrusting of humanity as a whole.

Shizuru is decidedly stubborn and strong-willed, frequently letting her pettiness and vindictiveness get the better of her and she often has to be restrained and reprimanded by whoever is present. She is very individualistic, not being one to follow the crowd. She has a reputation for being an incurably sarcastic cynic, only too happy to bluntly and harshly relieve others of their comfortable delusions regarding emotions, reality, or their own self-importance.

Due to all her bad experiences over the years, Shizuru has become pessimistic and resentful of life, convinced that there wasn't really anyone who actually cared about her or who she could trust in hence her being a loner. She doesn't open up easily to people and can be rather intimidating due to her rough appearance.

Despite her rough outward appearance, Shizuru is actually really insecure and scared, and her tough acting may be nothing more than a facade she built up to protect herself from further harm. Very few people know Shizuru's deeper nature to be of selflessness, loyalty, and compassion. She also is a very protective, devoted and faithful companion and is pretty straightforward with her (romantic) feelings for other people, and also very flirtatious and teasing.

As someone who has had to suffer greatly at such a young age, Shizuru cannot ignore the true suffering of others and becomes sympathetic upon sensing pain and resolve in people's hearts. Though her solemn advice to such people is often tempered with brusque criticism, it is only because she genuinely wishes to place them on the most direct path forward. As one burdened by the mistakes of her past, Shizuru stresses the necessity of people taking responsibility for their own errs. Though she will intervene on behalf of the oppressed if she concludes that a situation has called for it, Shizuru tends to help only those with the will - but not the means - to help themselves, in which case her recklessness and disdain for authority often has her bending the rules (or outright breaking them) to dole out a Robin Hood-esque justice, which has earned her notoriety and popularity amongst people who are disadvantaged.



Fears: Being rejected, being betrayed/hurt, being vulnerable, not being accepted

Favorite Color: Black

Hobbies: anything involving cars, video games, anime, cooking, reading

Tastes In Music: Shizuru has a diverse taste in music but mostly prefers any kind of rock and metal.


  • Shizuru is a licensed therapist and psychiatrist. 
  • She's a skilled mechanic and knows how to drive with great precision.
  • She has an IQ of 187, making her a genius.
  • Shizuru is a master of gambling and has excellent card counting abilities. She's even banned from many casinos because of this.

Peaceful or Aggressive: Aggressive
Fighting Skills:
  • Kickboxing
  • Karate
  • Brazillian Jujitsu

Family, Friends, and Foes

Father: Nobuo Yukimura | Motivational speaker and preacher | Alive
Mother: Mamimi Kurosaki | Waitress | Deceased
Stepmother: Claudia Yukimura (nee Aguilar) | Owner of Claudia's | Alive
Younger Sister: Carbine Yukimura | Law Student | Alive
Younger Sister: Carmelita Johnson (nee Yukimura) | College Student | Alive
Son: Castiel Yukimura | Alive

Love Interest(s): Han Lue, Takashi, Morimoto, Deckard Shaw, Jesse, Leon, Suki, Gisele, Elena Neves

Best Friends: Dominic Toretto, Letty Ortiz-Toretto, Mia Toretto, Brian O'Connor, Leon, Jesse, Sean Boswell, Vince, Han Lue, Gisele, Roman Pearce, Tej Parker, Luke Hobbs

Past: Shizuru was born in Tokyo, Japan to two teen parents, her father being 17 and her mother being 16. Her mother passed away during childbirth and her father fell into a deep depression which became even worse when his father kicked him out onto the streets with a baby Shizuru in tow. For 3 years, Nobuo wandered the streets and lived from place to place, doing many things to survive such as prostitution and drug dealing. But it all stopped when he met Claudia Aguilar who was living in Japan because of her father being stationed there. Within six months, they fell in love and when Shizuru was 5, Nobuo and Claudia eloped and they moved to California where Claudia was from. It became easy for Nobuo to fit in surprisingly and he became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ for Latter-Day Saints, his family following suit. Claudia fulfilled her dream of owning her own auto shop, soon giving birth to Carbine and Carmelita. Nobuo left the Mormon church subsequently and converted to Christianity, starting his own church and becoming a motivational speaker. During childhood, Shizuru showed signs of advanced mental development and she was taken to a psychiatrist. It was discovered that she had a very high IQ of 187. 

At the age of 12, Shizuru graduated high school but the road wasn't easy. She was bullied frequently by fellow students and a teacher who had become a mentor to her began to molest and sexually abuse her. After graduating, Shizuru became even worse mentally when the same teacher kidnapped her, torturing, drugging, and raping her for three days. She managed to escape and was found by one of her neighbors. After being hospitalized and telling the cops everything she knew which lead to her former teacher's arrest and imprisonment, Shizuru began to prepare for college but was sidetracked due to giving birth without knowing she was pregnant on Christmas Day. Being only 13 and not knowing what to do, Shizuru named her son Castiel and left him in front of a nearby hospital. She kept everything a secret and vowed to take it with her to the grave.

Although getting into college was difficult due to her age, Shizuru decided to major in Psychology. She met Dominic Toretto when she was 15 and befriended him and his crew. She also struggled with PTSD and an addiction to dilaudid, cocaine, and heroin which was a result of being kidnapped by her former teacher. By the time she was 19, she had already received her PhD in Psychology. Now she also has a PhD in Chemistry and Engineering and BAs in Mathematics and Sociology. Shizuru has also been clean since age 20 but still struggles with PTSD, depression, and anxiety which she is currently getting treatment for.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers OC

Basic Information

Full Name: Faith Elena Wallace
Nicknames: Faye (by everyone), Few (by everyone)
Aliases: N/A

Age: Depends on the roleplay
Birthday: November 9th

Ethnicity: Puerto Rican and Dominican
Religion: Catholic
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Place Of Birth: Chicago, Illinois, United States Of America
Current Residence: Angel Grove, California, United States Of America
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish
Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Mechanic

Physical Appearance

Overall Figure: Faith has an hourglass, curvy figure with a bit of muscle due to her working out.

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brunette
Hair Style: Faith usually has her hair down but if she's doing something important, her hair is either in a ponytail or messy bun.

Piercings: Ears
Tattoos: Faith has a heart with a knife through it with the name Veronica above it on her right arm, a skull and crossbones on her back, and the phrase "Burn Rubber Not Your Soul" on her abdomen.
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Faith has scars on her abdomen and back from being stabbed.

Clothing Style: Faith dresses like a tomboy and takes inspiration from the Cholo, goth, and punk subcultures also.


Smoker - No | Drinker - No | Drug User - No

Disabilities: Faith has Type 1 diabetes.
Mental Illnesses: Faith has anger management issues, depression, and PTSD.
Addictions: N/A
Allergies: Dust


Having gone through many things, Faith is tough and hardened as a result. She's determined and relentless, unable to be stopped once she makes up her mind. She always speaks her mind and speaks with no filter, not caring about who she's talking to. Faith doesn't tolerate disrespect from anyone and won't hesitate to cut others down if she feels the need to. This can make her seem rather rude and pushy. She can easily become your best friend or your worst enemy. With Faith, there is no in-between. She's incredibly loyal and is always grateful for people in her life, giving it her all when it comes to taking care of them and looking out for them.

Faith is down to earth and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. She's a tomboy to the core and isn't very feminine, having more masculine interests. She is very secretive and doesn't like indulging information about herself unless she really trusts the person which is very rare since she doesn't allow a lot of people to get close to her. Faith is very rebellious and hates being told what to do, preferring to do what she wants when she wants. She loves a good adventure and has a mischievous side, open to exploring and trying new things.

Faith is very intuitive and astute, having an amazing quality for seeing through people's bullshit. Direct and brilliantly sharp, Faith only focuses on the fundamental essence of any issue and disregards the superfluous. She wants to understand everything and knows how to craft just the right question to obtain the answers she seeks.

Enthusiastic about machinery, Faith is most at home near cranking gears, whirring bearings and the smell of oil and becomes absolutely giddy when given the opportunity to interact with and learn about such things, causing many to playfully mock her as a crazy gearhead. Faith's stout heart allows her to make difficult and dangerous choices very easily so long as they coincide with her strong sense of duty and morality. Contributed to by both of these characteristics is her willingness to work with almost excessive devotion on the various cars and engines whose maintenance she undertakes for the sake of the people who depend on her, going so far as to take multiple consecutive overnight sessions and travel long distances without hesitation in order to ensure their prompt and proper completion.

As one who values family (immediate and extended) above most other things, Faith is a bit of a worrier and concerns herself with the welfare of people she cares about. It is likely this care that makes her so popular with her clients and loved ones, all of whom are greatly moved by the attention to personal detail that she willingly gives to each of them.  

Theme Song: Demons by Imagine Dragons

Fears: Being vulnerable
Favorite Color: Red
Hobbies: Cars, video games, dancing, reading. writing, music
Tastes In Music: Faith mostly listens to rap/hip-hop, tejano, rock, metal, and R&B but isn't against branching out.


  • Faith is very knowledgeable about cars and engines, often calling herself a gearhead.
  • She loves to dance as well as play the piano, keyboard, and guitar although very few people know of this.
  • She has a large collection of books and enjoys writing in her spare time, being the pure definition of a bookworm.


Peaceful or Aggressive: Aggressive
Fighting Skills:
  • Kickboxing
  • Judo
  • Muy Thai

Family, Friends, and Foes

Father: Alejandro Wallace | Businessman | Alive
Mother: Claudia Wallace (nee Ortiz) | Pilot (current); U.S. Air Force (former) | Alive
Older Brother: Diego Wallace | U.S. Marine | Alive
Sister-in-law: Angela Wallace (nee Brooks) | Law Student | Alive
Nephew: Diego Wallace Jr | Alive
Younger Sister: Diana Wallace | Alive
Younger Brother: Damien Wallace | Alive

Love Interest(s): Jason Scott, Trini Kwan, Zack Taylor, Tommy Oliver

Past: Faith's mother Claudia was in the Air Force when she met Alejandro who was a successful businessman 10 years her senior while attending a military ball. It was like love at first sight for them and it wasn't long before they began dating. After Claudia returned from her fourth deployment, she discovered that she was pregnant and once Alejandro found out, he immediately moved her into his mansion in Chicago and proposed to her which she accepted.

Since Claudia's contract in the Air Force was already ending, she decided to leave the military to pursue her goals of becoming a pilot after the baby was born. She gave birth to a baby boy that she named Diego and thanks to her military training, it wasn't long before she became a pilot like she always dreamed of.

10 years later, Claudia gave birth to a girl that she named Faith and two years later, she had twins named Diana and Damien. Being born into a rich and adventurous family gave Faith an eventful childhood and having her best friend Veronica by her side (despite her coming from the South Side) made her early childhood days even more memorable.

As Faith went into junior high school, she noticed that she was beginning to have feelings for Veronica that went beyond friendship and when she confessed them to her, she was surprised to have them returned thanks to Veronica coming out as a lesbian and their romance began from there. While their families were accepting of their relationship, some of their peers weren't and it lead to constant harassment and bullying.

When Faith and Veronica were 16, the bullying went too far. While they were walking home from school, they were ambushed by a gang that opposed their relationship not only because it was homosexual but interracial as well since Veronica was African-American. While the duo held their own and seemed to have the upper hand at first, some of the gang members had switchblades and guns. Veronica had gotten shot in the abdomen protecting Faith who wound up getting stabbed multiple times. The girls had been left for dead and were found holding each other by a local pedestrian.

Veronica was pronounced dead at the scene and Faith was close to death but made a full recovery. Losing Veronica however destroyed Faith and had a profound mental impact on her. Faith's testimony resulted in three gang members getting arrested and sentenced to 25 years but it wasn't without consequence. Faith was subjected to death threats and even more harassment from the gang to the point where it was affecting her family. from Not wanting his daughter to be subject to any more danger, Alejandro decided to send Faith to live with Diego who had become a Marine and lived in Angel Grove, California with his high school sweetheart and wife Angela who had just given birth to a son named Diego Jr while attending law school.

Faith has lived in Angel Grove since then, adjusting to her new life and still healing from the traumatic event that took away her first love and best friend.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Rich Person x Servant Yuri OCs

Basic Information

Full Name: Mary Jane Veronica Mustang
Nicknames: MJ (by everyone), Roni (by everyone)
Age: 22
Birthday: April 20th
Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Virginal Status: Non-virgin
Marital Status: Single

Current Location: Dallas, Texas, United States Of America
Place Of Birth: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States Of America

Race/Heritage: Vietnamese-American
Blood Type: AB
Dominant Hand: Right
Religion: Buddhist
Fluent Languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, French
Allergies: Dust, coconut
Health/Mental Issues: Mary Jane suffers from Type 1 diabetes and asthma. 

Occupation: Law Student


Routine and security are what Mary Jane embodies. She does everything out of them and doesn't care much for change unless she absolutely has to. She's incredibly stubborn which can be very aggravating for those around her. It usually results in Mary Jane having to learn many things the hard way. She's very hard-working and borderline perfectionist when it comes to her work. Laziness is not in her character.

Mary Jane loves the finer things in life and is very luxurious and refined but she is very good with money almost to the point of being a cheapskate. This may make her seem gluttonous, materialistic, and snobby but that couldn't be further from the truth. Mary Jane is in fact very down to earth and humble, always willing to support the little guys any way she can.

Mary Jane is very patient and difficult to anger but once that does happen, the consequences are lethal and it's nearly impossible to calm her down. Jealousy and possessiveness are her worst traits by far and they can quickly manifest especially when it comes to her romantic relationships. She loves long and hard with her patience sometimes getting her into situations that aren't ideal such as being the other woman.

Likes: Martial arts, money, food, sex, hard work
Dislikes: Laziness, insecurity, change, irresponsibility, snobs

Fears: Elevators

Either Or:
Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Daredevil or Cautious: Cautious
Logical or Emotional: Logical
Prefers working or relaxing: Working
Confident or unsure of herself: Confident
Animal Lover: Yes

Intelligence: 9/10
Confidence: 7/10
Wisdom: 4/10
Agility: 8/10
Stamina: 9/10
Cooperation: 6/10

Yes or No?:
Smoker: No
Drinker: No
Nail Biter: No
Athletic: Yes
Bookworm: Yes
Kleptomaniac: No
Party Animal: Yes
Vegetarian: No
Workaholic: Yes
Glasses: No
Contacts: No


Face Claim: Thuy Trang

Scars: N/A
Tattoos: N/A

Dress Style: Mary Jane likes to dress to impress, always making sure she looks her best and never has a bad day. But she does have a tomboyish side that she's not afraid to show every now and then.


Adoptive Mother: Brianna Mustang (nee Hawkins) | Nurse Practitioner | Alive
Mary Jane and Brianna have a very close relationship typical of a mother and daughter. Brianna keeps a close eye on Mary Jane's health due to her illnesses which always creates comedic and embarrassing moments for her. They share the traits of patience, jealousy, and possessiveness which often causes relationship trouble for the both of them and Brianna will often give Mary Jane advice about those things, sometimes leading to disastrous and funny results.

Adoptive Mother: Claudia Mustang | CEO of Violet Systems | Alive
Claudia is very protective of Mary Jane and worries about her well-being, teaching her how to defend herself and giving her general life advice. Mary Jane looks up to Claudia and wants to be more like her. Claudia is strict with Mary Jane and wants the best for her but can become overbearing at times which can lead to fights and arguments when combined with the latter's stubbornness.

Past: Mary Jane's parents were murdered when she was 6 months old and she was found by a neighbor because of her constant and loud crying. She was subsequently taken to a local hospital where one of the nurses Brianna Hawkins took care of her and tended to her every need. She eventually became attached to Mary Jane and after talking it over with her fiancee Claudia, they decided to adopt and raise her as their own.

Because of Claudia owning her own company which was getting bigger and bigger, Mary Jane was pampered and only received the best money could buy. As a result, she had the childhood that she needed and deserved, being a very active child despite being a diabetic and having asthma. When Mary Jane turned 13, Claudia became more protective and strict over her which just made her act rebellious and start doing typical teenage stuff. By the time she was 16, Mary Jane lost her virginity and was out partying quite often.

In response, Claudia decided to hire a bodyguard who was a Texas Ranger named Luna Rembrite. Mary Jane initially rejected the situation and rebelled as expected but as she spent more time with Luna, they became closer and once Mary Jane graduated from high school, Luna left the Texas Rangers to become a full-time bodyguard for the Mustangs.

Now Mary Jane is in law school, studying to become a lawyer with Luna by her side to protect her from any hurt, harm, or danger that may befall her way.

Basic Information

Full Name: Luna Bella Rembrite (nee Valentina)
Nickname: L.B. (by everyone)
Age: 40
Birthday: February 26th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Virginal Status: Non-virgin
Marital Status: Separated

Current Location: Dallas, Texas, United States Of America
Place Of Birth: Miami, Florida, United States Of America

Race/Heritage: Spanish
Blood Type: O+
Dominant Hand: Right
Religion: Christian
Fluent Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Allergies: N/A

Occupation: Texas Ranger (former), Bodyguard (current)


Luna is what many would consider otherworldly. She's very intuitive and perceptive almost to the point of being psychic. Her ability to read people combined with her compassion and understanding of others makes her an instant hero to those she helps and saves. Her tough and unwavering demeanor just makes her even more cooler in most people's eyes. Luna is a complete rebel at heart and sarcastic to the bone which can give authority figures many headaches.

Luna is very loyal and devoted practically to a fault. It takes a lot for her to swim away and escape from a situation and even then, the process can take months to years because of how forgiving she is. Although her tough shell may say otherwise, Luna is a romantic to the core and is actually rather sensitive and longing. But she hides it all away because of her issues with abandonment and fear of being hurt. Luna is an escapist and secretive as well as vague. She doesn't intend to shut people out; she just has to escape and retreat into her world sometimes. It's no surprise that Luna is an introvert.

Luna is assertive, strong, fierce, daring and won't back down from a fight. If anyone picks on her, she'll beat them twice as hard as they give it to her. Luna is also extremely honest and willing to act on her emotions. When she struggles or if someone hurts her, the whole world will know about it. When Luna's angry, she acts on it without batting an eye. While there are many people who admire this quality about her, it can also cause Luna trouble and rub people the wrong way. But of course Luna is unapologetic about these traits and simply doesn't care.

Likes: Music, guns, books, romance, children
Dislikes: Disorganization, being smothered, judgemental people, criminals, failure

Fears: Being powerless, abandonment, getting hurt

Either Or:
Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Daredevil or Cautious: Daredevil
Logical or Emotional: Emotional
Prefers working or relaxing: Relaxing
Confident or unsure of herself: Confident
Animal Lover: Yes

Intelligence: 7/10
Confidence: 9/10
Wisdom: 8/10
Agility: 9/10
Stamina: 8/10
Cooperation: 2/10

Yes or No?:
Smoker: Yes
Drinker: Yes
Nail Biter: No
Athletic: Yes
Bookworm: Yes
Kleptomaniac: No
Party Animal: No
Vegetarian: No
Workaholic: No
Glasses: No
Contacts: No


Face Claim: Elsa Pataky

Scars: Luna has many scars on her body from her long career in law enforcement.
Tattoos: Luna has a broken heart slightly above her left breast, a skull and crossbones on her back, and a pair of guns on her upper right arm.

Dress Style: Luna is mostly professional and somewhat masculine and intimidating with her wardrobe which is due to her history in law enforcement. But she's not afraid to be casual and down to earth when the situation calls for it and isn't afraid to be revealing or sexy either.


Mother: Kyanna Valentina | Unknown
Luna and Kyanna's relationship doesn't exist for lack of a better term. Luna is angry at Kyanna for abandoning her when she was young and blames her for her fear of being abandoned. She hasn't had contact with her in years and frankly doesn't care if she's alive or not, going as far as to disown her and not consider her a mother.

Husband: Richard Rembrite | Author | Alive
Luna and Richard have a very long history together and it's easy to see it when they're around each other. Despite their separation, their intimate relationship still remains to some extent despite the dysfunction and confusion that surrounds it. They both still love and care for each other which is why they haven't moved onto divorce yet. They just can't seem to quit each other even though they should.

Daughter: Cereza Rembrite | Alive
Luna loves Cereza very much, often calling her "Little Cherry". She dotes on her every whim and wants nothing more than for her to be happy. In return, Cereza idolizes Luna and wants to be more like her to the point of emulating her which has led to rather funny results. Luna prefers for Cereza to just be herself, not wanting her to repeat the same mistakes she made.

Son: Castiel Rembrite | Alive
Things between Luna and Castiel have faltered over the years due to his parents' separation. While it's incredibly obvious that they love each other, Castiel has begun to act out because of how much his parents' volatile relationship affected him and it can lead to conflict between him and Luna especially when the law gets involved. He's basically the black sheep of the Rembrite family.

Daughter: Carmelita Rembrite | Alive
While Carmelita is definitely a daddy's girl, she and Luna have their fair share of closeness. Whenever Carmelita has trouble talking to anyone else about something, she'll always tell Luna about it and be comforted in the process. Carmelita has taken it upon herself to be the go-between/mediator for her parents which shows that she's mature and wise beyond her years despite being the baby of the Rembrite family.

Past: Luna had a very hard-knock life from the time she was born. Her mother was heavily involved in the drug game and was arrested and sentenced to 15 years in prison when Luna was just 10. Since she had no other relatives available to take her in, she was put in foster care and wound up in an orphanage. It was one of the biggest and had the best reputation in the state of Florida. Luna finally experienced the treatment that a child should have and was actually able to make friends, one of which was Richard Rembrite.

The two kids quickly formed a life-lasting friendship that turned to romance once they became teens. Luna and Richard were like Bonnie and Clyde when it came to getting into mischief and going through life in general. Once they were 18, they left the orphanage and decided to start life in Texas, eloping in the process. They didn't have anything to their name but they had each other and that was all that mattered to them.

Since they had their GEDs thanks to the orphanage homeschooling them, Luna decided to work towards becoming a Texas Ranger while Richard worked various jobs as he worked on his childhood dream of becoming an author, already having a portfolio in place.

Luna went to college to get a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice, applying to become a Texas State Trooper after graduation. The training was grueling and difficult for her but with Richard as her moral support, she pulled through and pushed herself to her limits. While Luna was at the Academy, Richard's writing was accepted by an agent and many publishers wanted him. His novel "Behind Rainbow Eyes" was a huge success and he was finally able to realize his dream of becoming a famous author.

After Luna graduated from the Academy and began her career as a State Trooper at age 23, she found out she was pregnant two years later with triplets. Now that the Rembrites finally were chasing their dreams, they could have the family they always wanted. Luna gave birth to two girls and one boy but the family happiness deteriorated rather quickly over the years. Luna began to suffer from post-partum depression and combined with Richard's growing alcoholism and substance abuse, the couple was heading towards disaster and fought frequently.

Luna went back to work despite her depression and while she was very good at what she did, her marital problems and mental health nearly put her job in jeopardy and her superiors ordered her to attend counseling out of concern. Therapy helped Luna tremendously and her relationship with her family improved as well as her career. But Richard's fame often proved to be a hurdle to the marriage and his drug abuse and alcoholism got even worse.

Things came to a head once Richard got arrested for drug possession and drunk driving. Luna was furious and she also uncovered the fact that he had been sleeping with a fellow author in exchange for said drugs. She left Richard and took the children with her, legally separating from him while he was sentenced to 4 years in jail thanks to Luna pulling some strings.

Richard got out in two years thanks to good behavior and while Luna was highly impressed with how he turned around, she refused to reconcile with him but did allow him to have full custody of the triplets since she was now a Texas Ranger at age 30 and she worked many crazy hours in the process.

It was at this time that Luna met the Mustangs who wanted their daughter Mary Jane to have a bodyguard. Luna mulled over the decision for 4 years, secretly following the girl and finally meeting her face to face when she turned 16. She quickly grew attached to Mary Jane despite her initial rejection and it wasn't long before a friendship was formed between them.

Once Mary Jane graduated from high school, Luna finally decided to leave the Texas Rangers and became her bodyguard full-time which she's been doing for the last 4 years with no regrets.