Sunday, February 28, 2016

Criminal x Criminal OCs

Basic Information

Full Name: Sydney Leanne Donovan (nee Manning)
Nicknames: Syd (by everyone), Bonnie (by Raymond)
Age: depends on the roleplay
Birthday: October 14th
Zodiac Sign: Libra

Sexuality: Bisexual
Virginal Status: Non-virgin
Marital Status: Married

Current Location: Canary Islands, Spain
Place of Birth: Spokane, Washington, United States of America

Race/Heritage: Human - Polish, Hungarian, English, and German descent
Blood Type: AB
Dominant Hand: Left
Religion: Atheist
Fluent Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Dominican
Allergies: N/A

Occupation: United States Navy Seals (former), CIA (former), Thief (current), Street Racer (current)


Sydney is a very tough woman, hardened by her many experiences in life. She isn't easily fazed and is quite fearless. When her mind is set on something, she'll do whatever it takes to get it done no matter who or what stands in her way. Sydney is a thrill seeker and loves a good adrenaline rush, having a fun-loving and independent spirit. She's very loyal to the people she calls friends and family and will do anything to help and protect them as well as demanding the best from them and nothing less, having a more "tough love" approach.

Sydney has a very dark and frightening side that very few people have seen. Due to her traumatic past, she tends to close up around people and can be very temperamental and sometimes psychotic, sometimes lashing out in anger towards others although she's always ashamed afterwards and isn't above apologizing. She has escapist tendencies and will sometimes engage in dangerous activity to escape from her pain and suffering such as drugs, alcohol, compulsive gambling, and hypersexuality.

Mental/Emotional Disorders: Sydney has a history of depression, PTSD, and pattern nightmares. She also has issues with drugs, alcohol, and gambling although she has improved in those areas in recent years thanks to attending rehab.

Likes: swimming, guns, video games, books, movies, alcohol, gambling, sex, porn
Dislikes: being restricted, pedophiles, pain, nightmares, horror films, being alone

Fears: Claustrophobia, being taken advantage of, thunder and lightning

Either Or:
Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Daredevil or Cautious: Daredevil
Logical or Emotional: Logical
Prefers working or relaxing: Working
Confident or unsure of herself: Confident
Animal Lover: Yes

Intelligence: 6/10
Confidence: 9/10
Wisdom: 5/10
Agility: 9/10
Stamina: 8/10
Cooperation: 2/10

Yes or No?
Smoker: Yes
Drinker: Yes
Nail Biter: No
Athletic: Very
Bookworm: No
Kleptomaniac: No
Party Animal: Yes
Vegetarian: No
Workaholic: Yes
Glasses: No
Contacts: No


Face Claim: Adrianne Palicki
Nail Color and Length: French-tipped, usually red
Scars: Sydney has a scar on her side which she got by cutting herself on a reef.
Tattoos: Sydney has "Ray" tattooed above her right breast.

Body Type: Curvy
Cup Size: 28C
Height: 5'8
Weight: 160 lbs

Figure: Athletic


Mother: Mary Jane Manning (nee Koufax) | Missing | Exotic Dancer
Sydney doesn't have many memories of her mother due to her disappearing when she was only 6. She has keepsakes of her and wants to know if she's dead or alive but is afraid of finding out in case she happens to be the former.

Father: Gary Manning | Alive | Gas Station Owner
Sydney despises her father and would gladly kill him if she had the chance. After her mother's disappearance, Sydney's father began to molest and rape her, some of the instances taking place in the gas station that he owns. When Sydney was 18, she ran away from home and cut all ties with her father, forever traumatized by his perversion and abuse.

Crimes and Skills

Due to her military experience, Sydney is very skilled in hand to hand combat and is an expert with firearms and engineering. She's seductive and manipulative, not above using her looks to her advantage.

Sydney is notorious for committing various heists, illegal street racing, and has had several stints involving drugs and alcohol. There are times where she will give away money that she's stolen to the less fortunate and people she cares about, making her a Robin Hood type of thief.

Full Name: Raymond Jesse Donovan
Nicknames: Ray (by everyone), Clyde (by Sydney)
Age: depends on the roleplay
Birthday: March 5th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Sexuality: Straight
Virginal Status: Non-virgin
Marital Status: Married

Current Location: Canary Islands, Spain
Place of Birth: Compton, California, United States of America

Race/Heritage: Human - Irish and Jewish
Blood Type: B
Dominant Hand: Right
Religion: Jewish (former), Atheist (current)
Fluent Languages: English, Spanish, and Dominican
Allergies: Cherries

Occupation: United States Navy Seal (former), CIA (former), Thief (current), Street Racer (current), Street Fighter (current)


Raymond is usually presented as laid-back and logical but he isn't as cool and composed as people may think he is. He frequently loses his temper when a situation turns for the worse or when faced with insubordination and sometimes minor transgressions. Due to the memories of his bloody and traumatic past, Raymond tends to lash out in anger and jealousy towards anyone who provokes him. Because of this, he can lack compassion towards others besides Sydney, is unable to recognize his mistakes, and rejects to face responsibility for any of his actions.

According to Sydney, the only way Raymond knows how to confront reality is to physically hurt those who anger or hurt him. When he's not angry, he's an effective leader willing to do anything for the people he cares about and shows a mature and caring side particularly towards Sydney. Unlike her, he doesn't turn to addictive substances very often to escape his pain, preferring to confide in Sydney and using racing as an outlet.

Mental/Emotional Disorders: Raymond has a history of depression, PTSD, and pattern nightmares.

Likes: Sydney, cars, money, video games, music, traveling, guns
Dislikes: pedophiles, being told what to do, being alone, nightmares, not being in control
Fears: Losing Sydney, being taken advantage, claustrophobia

Either Or:
Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Daredevil or Cautious: Daredevil
Logical or Emotional: Emotional
Disorderly and messy or Methodical and neat: Disorderly and messy
Prefers working or relaxing: Relaxing
Confident or unsure of himself: Confident
Animal Lover: Yes

Intelligence: 7/10
Confidence: 9/10
Wisdom: 4/10
Agility: 8/10
Stamina: 10/10
Cooperation: 3/10

Yes or No?
Smoker: Yes
Drinker: Yes
Nail Biter: No
Athletic: Very
Bookworm: No
Kleptomaniac: No
Vegetarian: No
Workaholic: No
Glasses: No
Contacts: No


Face Claim: Jonathan Tucker
Scars: Raymond has several scars on his back that were inflicted by his father.
Tattoos: Raymond has "Syd" tattooed on his chest.

Body Type: Raymond is muscular from training and fighting but a bit lean as well.
Height: 6'5
Weight: 158 lbs


Father: Paul Donovan | Alive | Truck Driver
Raymond has an intense hatred for his father and doesn't even acknowledge him as such. When Raymond was 7, his father began to molest and rape him on a regular basis, often being drunk while doing so since he was an alcoholic. At the age of 19, Raymond ran away from home and cut all ties with his father, wanting nothing more to do with him.

Mother: Kalina Ann Kensington | Alive | Chef
Raymond has a close relationship with his mother and loves her dearly. She's one of the few people who knows of Raymond's constant suffering and worries about him constantly which can annoy her son at times. Kalina Ann quickly divorced Paul after finding out about the molestation and abuse he committed towards their son and feels guilty for not recognizing the signs. She knows of her son's criminal activities and doesn't approve of them but won't try to stop her son because of his nature.

Older Brother: Richard Donovan | Alive | United States Navy Seal
Raymond looked up to Richard and idolized him when he was a kid, wanting to be a Navy Seal just like him. They used to be rather close but after Raymond left the military and took on a life of crime, their relationship became strained and evolved into a deadly sibling rivalry. Despite everything, Raymond still loves his brother and would rather not fight him if he can avoid it.

Crimes and Skills

Raymond is a skilled driver and street fighter, his military experience also making him good with weapons although he prefers to use his fists. Raymond has lots of experience with aircrafts as well, being a very good pilot. However he isn't as good at mechanics as Sydney is which is unfortunate due to how reckless he can be.

Raymond is known for participating in street fights, heists, and street racing. Unlike Sydney, he hasn't been arrested for anything involving drugs and alcohol. Raymond is a Robin Hood type of thief, stealing from the rich to give to the poor and provide for the people he cares about.

Their Story

Ray and Syd met one another while in the U.S. Navy Seals due to Syd dating Ray's older brother Richard. After Syd and Richard broke up and Syd got demoted as a result of dating her superior officer, she began to fall for Ray due to their similar pasts and natures and it wasn't long before they became a couple. Eventually becoming disgusted and tired of military life, Ray decided to leave the military and was honorably discharged after a successful operation, Syd following suit.

The young couple joined the CIA for a short while, working on top-secret missions and becoming closer and closer. After leaving the CIA, Ray and Syd decided to get married and began traveling the world, recruiting a team and going into a life of crime to support themselves and possibly help others, not wanting to be tied down by anymore restrictions.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Death Note OC

~~Introduction Of Character~~

Name: Jessie Josephine Carter

Age: 23 (pre-timeskip); 28 (post-timeskip)

Gender: Female

Nicknames: JJ (by everyone), Jess (by everyone), Misty (by her clients), J.C. (by L)

Aliases: Leticia Ortiz, Laura Toretto, Isabella Valentine, Cassandra Maye

Birth Date: November 9th, 1983 (anime)

Death Date: N/A

Race: Human (African-American)

Occupation: Various (pre-timeskip); SPK member (post-timeskip)

Affiliations: Japanese Task Force (pre-timeskip); SPK (post-timeskip)

~~The Character's Appearance~~


Height: 5'11

Weight: 180 lbs

Handedness: Right

Tattoos/Birthmarks/Scars: Jessie has a beauty mark above her upper lip. She has the following tattoos on her body: a phoenix on her sternum, the phrase "Burn Rubber Not Your Soul" on her right arm, the name "Lady Diamond" on her upper back, the names "Quincy" and "Quelita" also on her lower back, and a broken heart above her left breast.

Jewelry/Accessories: Jessie always wears a studded bracelet around her right wrist.

~~About The Character~~

Personality: Jessie is a secretive, scandalous, roguish, and crafty jezebel with a very mischievous, flippant, saucy, presumptuous, and extremely nervy attitude. Often she subjugates others through her many forms of manipulation, extortion, low blows, and dirt she's able to obtain on people. Unprincipled and unscrupulous, Jessie often engages in rather questionable activities and thuggish behaviors such as conning/robbing, being an escort/pimp and mistress, engaging in elaborate forms of blackmail, etc.

Jessie has a chameleon, street-smart nature that enables her to blend in with any crowd and she's excellent at reading and profiling people. This combined with her free-spirited and bold demeanor makes her invaluable when it comes to infiltration and going undercover. Jessie has no shame when it comes to her body or sexuality, being quite amoral and lusty and her open-mindedness knows little bounds.

Jessie has deep emotional scars from her childhood and early adult life which have turned her into an angry, vengeful woman. The main way she expresses her trauma is through her wrath. She's very choosy about her friends and associates and often appears as tough-minded, unemotional, and ruthless. Jessie actually has low self-esteem underneath her behavior and has a sense of secret shame and humiliation. She is full of secrets, pain, anger, and vengeance.

Despite being picky about who she allows to get close to her as well as her numerous flaws, Jessie is a person who is devoted to, loyal, and protective of her closest friends and will do anything to be there for them and support them, even to the point of being self-destructive and reckless. Judging isn't her style and she'll befriend people from all different walks of life thanks to her chameleon nature.

Fears: Being raped, being powerless

Likes: Money, power, sex, dancing, music, books

Dislikes: Losing, her mother, homophobia, sex offenders, being broke, religion

Habits: Eating ice, twirling her hair

Flaws: Jessie is manipulative and has no qualms about using other people to get what she wants and will do whatever it takes, including lying and blackmail. She has a fearsome temper and setting her off will have disastrous consequences for those involved. Jessie has a difficult time showing her feelings and often refuses to do so, instead using her anger to cope with her scars, pain, and frustration. Jessie has a reckless disregard for the well-being of others as well as a lack of remorse at times.

Talents: What Jessie's most renowned for is being an escort/pimp as well as conning and robbing which are her main specialties. She's good at infiltration and can fit in anywhere which makes her good at tracking and getting sensitive information.

Physical/Mental Disabilities: Jessie suffers from PTSD and clinical depression.

~~The Character's Relationship With Others~~

Reputation: Jessie is often feared and considered somewhat of a legend in the criminal world while the general public usually have varying opinions on her. Some people like her while others despise her. To the people that Jessie befriends, she's the best thing that ever happened to them and she has their undying loyalty as they do hers.

Love Interest(s): L (Likes Him), Light Yagami (Is Unsure), Touta Matsuda (In Denial), or Stephen Gevanni (Likes Him)


L: Jessie first met L when she was 18 and her cousin Steve was murdered due to conning the wrong person. L was the one who solved the case, linking his death to a series of hate crimes committed by a cult similar to that of the Manson family and bringing Steve's killer to justice.

As a result, Jessie is incredibly loyal and grateful to L and is always at his beck and call for whatever he needs during a case. He's one of the very few people whom Jessie truly trusts and respects despite them being on opposite sides of the law. She has complete faith in his abilities as a detective but isn't afraid to call him out or say anything if she disagrees with him which happens quite often contrary to popular opinion.

Jessie will tease and mess with L when it comes to his many quirks and weird behaviors which is all in good fun instead of malice. She enjoys indulging him with sweets as well. She does like him a lot but because they're of two different worlds alongside her own flaws, she keeps her feelings hidden from him, thinking he deserves better.

Light Yagami: Jessie met Light when she first arrived in Japan and bumped into him on her way to meet L, eventually working with him when he joined the task force.

Jessie instantly sees past Light's good boy front that he puts on and isn't shy about letting him know. While she does think that he's hiding something much different and possibly sinister, she's unsure of whether or not he is Kira. But Jessie does find Light to be quite intriguing and enjoys his company. She's unsure of whether she should get closer to him because of her feelings that he's hiding something and keeps an eye on him as much as she can without drawing suspicion.

Jessie is physically attracted to Light and isn't afraid to say or show it. It's almost expected for her to make sexual innuendos and jokes towards him and even give him dating advice. Toying with Light is very enjoyable for Jessie especially since she can't profile or manipulate him, creating a "cat and mouse" game between them similar to the one between him and L.

Touta Matsuda: Jessie first ran into Matsuda when L recruited her for the Kira case and introduced her to the task force.

Unlike the others, Jessie treats Matsuda with respect and actually likes his brash and reckless attitude despite them being on opposite sides of the law. She'll often stand up for him when he's being demeaned or disrespected, understanding his need to prove himself. Jessie will often give Matsuda a confidence boost and happily engages with him when it comes to his television habit. She also enjoys infiltrating with him and isn't afraid to teach him a thing or two so he can improve as a cop.

Jessie will often deny that she has some feelings for Matsuda not just because of their opposite lifestyles but because she will sometimes use him as an outlet for her negative feelings which results in mixed signals. Jessie thinks that Matsuda has lots of potential and will support him when it comes to tapping into it but as far as personal relationships go, she pushes him away with a quickness.

Stephen Gevanni: Jessie and Stephen met when she joined the SPK following the death of L.

Similar to L, Stephen is one of the few people in existence that Jessie has absolute respect for. She finds his talents fascinating and is even a bit jealous. It's not uncommon to see Jessie and Stephen together whether it's discussing the case or fraternizing. She finds him very easy to talk to which is unheard of when it comes to her vast experiences with people. Because of this, Stephen knows some secrets about Jessie that she has vowed to take to the grave with her.

Jessie often flirts with Stephen and exchanges witty banter with him to the point where it becomes a trademark for the two and gives the SPK a good laugh. She will admit to liking him and having feelings for him but doesn't take things further because of her flaws and not wanting to give Stephen false hope.

~~The Character's Abilities~~

Possesses A Death Note?: No

Kira or L?: L

Knowledge: 6/10
Conceptualization Power: 9/10
Will To Act: 7/10
Motivation: 4/10
Social Skills: 9/10

~~The Character's Familial/Biographical Information~~

Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois

Mother: Cassandra Carter | Alive
Cousin: Steve Wilson | Deceased
Son: Quincy Maxwell Jr | Deceased (presumably)
Daughter: Quelita Maxwell | Deceased (presumably)

Familial Background: Jessie's mother Cassandra gave birth to her when she was only 15. Being a teen mom, Cassandra was wild and crazy, often leaving Jessie in the company of neighbors and her grandmother while she went out partying or with men. Cassandra eventually became involved with a man named Reggie when Jessie was 7 and their relationship was surprisingly steady, Reggie even moving in them.

But it all came at a cost. A very severe cost that was gonna change Jessie's life forever.

Character Background: When Jessie was 8, Reggie began to display an inappropriate interest in her and at age 12, he began molesting and raping her on a regular basis. Although Jessie tried to tell her mother, it fell on deaf ears and she chose Reggie over her, even accusing her of being fast and promiscuous.

Completely shattered and broken by her mom's betrayal, Jessie ran away from home at 13 and wound up in the arms of her cousin Steve whom she was very close to. He was a transvestite who went by the name Lady Diamond and taught Jessie most of the things she knows when it came to conning, robbing, and escorting which began when she was 15.

At age 16, Jessie gave birth to twins: a boy and a girl that she named Quincy Jr and Quelita. The father was a notorious gang member named Quincy Maxwell whom she was in an abusive relationship with and was quite scared of him. When the twins were 2, Jessie tried to leave Quincy with them in tow but he took them and stated that if she paid 50 grand, she could have them back.

With Steve's help, Jessie gathered the money quickly and paid Quincy but instead of him keeping his word, he horribly beat her to the point where she was almost unrecognizable and took the twins from her anyway. After Steve discovered the injured Jessie, he got into a huge fight with him and Jessie discovered that Quincy killed the twins by throwing them over a bridge.

Devastated, Jessie went to the police and gave Quincy up on multiple crimes he had committed over the years which resulted in him getting a long prison sentence. Six months later, Steve was found hung and castrated due to conning the wrong guy. It was then that Jessie met the detective L who had been investigating a series of deaths that were being considered hate crimes and Steve's death was one of them.

After L brought Steve's killer to justice, Jessie pledged her eternal loyalty to him as thanks and although she did many nefarious things over the years, whenever L needed her help on a case, she was always there to help him. Now Jessie is helping the Japanese Task Force on the Kira case, assisting L once again.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Final Fantasy X OCs

Name: Aiko
Age: 21
Birthday: November 9th

Race: Human
Occupation: Bartender, dancer, and singer
Religion: She doesn't believe in Yevon.

Personality: Aiko is apathetic towards and detached from most things, including people. She's uncertain of what she really wants to do with her life and just coasts through her days; often miserable or borderline depressed. Despite this, she's a very humorous, sarcastic person and uses jokes and laughter as a means to temporarily escape or mask her general misery. Aiko isn't afraid to speak her mind and is very blunt and straightforward. She hates beating around the bush and is rather impatient, getting annoyed easily at times.

Aiko is a very sexual and sensual person and loves to express herself in that fashion whether it's with men or women. She's very open-minded and is up for anything as long as it sounds fun. Aiko is a bit of an escapist and tends to indulge in certain things to escape any problems or issues she may have or to numb her pain and misery.

Weapon: Aiko uses a whip when fighting fiends.
Abilities: Aiko is currently studying black and white magic, wanting to be skilled in it. Right now, she only knows basic magic.


Mother: Rosa | Crusader | Alive
Father: Rodin | Blitzball Player | Alive
Older Brother: Luka | Journalist | Alive

Past: Aiko was born on Kilika Island but moved to Luca when she was 5. Wanting to protect her family from Sin, her mother Rosa decided to join the Crusaders although her family feared for her safety, not wanting to lose her. Aiko's father Rodin began to play for the Luca Goers and her older brother Luka showed an interest in journalism. As for Aiko, she showed a talent for dancing and singing and decided to become a bartender as well. Her parents and brother don't necessarily approve of her lifestyle but she doesn't care.

Name: Yuri
Age: 20
Birthday: March 3rd

Race: Al Bhed
Occupation: Mechanic and chemist
Religion: He doesn't believe in Yevon

Personality: At first glance, Yuri seems stand-offish, facetious, cold and perverted as well as displaying an immature sort of personality. He is decidedly stubborn and strong-willed, frequently letting his pettiness and vindictiveness get the better of him as well as being somewhat selfish and remarkably self-absorbed, generally acting more out of self-interest than any sort of philanthropy as well as taking several opportunities to stroke his own ego or flaunt his heritage.

Yuri has a reputation for being foul-mouthed and is an incurably sarcastic cynic, only too happy to bluntly and harshly relieve others of their comfortable delusions regarding Yevon, reality, or their own self-importance. He's impatient and can't sit still for long, having a love for traveling.

Weapon: Yuri uses pistols when battling fiends.
Abilities: Yuri is a skilled thief and is good at mixing items.


Mother: Lucia | Mechanic | Deceased
Father: Joachim | Chemist | Missing
Younger Sister: Karin | Doctor | Alive

Past: Yuri was born in Bevelle while his parents Lucia and Joachim were traveling back to Home. Lucia was a mechanic and Joachim a chemist. After having Yuri's little sister Karin, Joachim went missing after the Guado attacked the Al Bhed which in turn scattered them throughout Spira. Yuri, his mother, and his sister wound up in Besaid where they lived for 5 years until Lucia passed away due to a sudden illness, leaving her children all alone. Yuri became hardened and took care of his sister by himself, not wanting to depend on anyone else for help. He took Karin and eventually left Besaid, eventually wounding up on Bikanel Island where he was reunited with his fellow Al Bhed.