Friday, March 30, 2018

Marriage OCs #2

Basic Information

Full Name: Gwendolyn Brianna Banks-McKenzie
Nicknames: Gwen (by everyone), Sexy Bri (by Aileen), Mia Bella (by Aileen)
Aliases: N/A

Age: 27
Birthday: March 8th

Race/Ethnicity: African-American
Religion: Christian
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Place Of Birth: Savannah, Georgia, United States Of America
Current Residence: Atlanta, Georgia, United States Of America
Fluent Languages: English, Spanish, Italian
Relationship Status: Married

Occupation: Police Sergeant

Physical Appearance

Overall Figure: Gwendolyn has a curvy and voluptuous figure.

Height: 5'4
Weight: 180 lbs

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Gwendolyn keeps her hair short so she doesn't have to style it.

Piercings: Ears
Jewelry: Gwendolyn has a black wedding ring on her right ring finger.
Tattoos: N/A
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: N/A

Clothing Style: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3


Smoker - No | Drinker - No | Drug User - No

Disabilities (Physical or Otherwise): N/A
Mental Illnesses: N/A
Addictions: N/A
Allergies: N/A


Gwendolyn is ultra-feminine and often highly attractive. She's a huge dreamer as well as mysterious, spiritual, imaginative, sensual, and idealistic. Gwendolyn often senses and feels things which other less sensitive folk miss, sometimes making her seem more than a little psychic and mysterious at times. She often picks up on the subtle and unspoken, and is often skilled at subconsciously reading signals from others, such as body language.

Highly sympathetic, compassionate, self-sacrificing and unassuming, Gwendolyn absorbs emotions from the environment around her, often becoming happy or depressed based on the moods of others. She believes the best route to finding inner peace is to give to others and is rather generous and selfless as a result. Gwendolyn thinks with her heart instead of her head, tending to dislike confrontation or hurting others in any way, and often has difficulty saying no or leaving bad situations/relationships. She always goes with the flow and friction of any kind drains her energy. It's rare for Gwendolyn to become angry or aggressive.

She has a strong need to feel loved and guarded and even if she slightly feels neglected, she can become very hurt. Because of her high sensitivity, delicacy, and tenderness, one has to be very careful when interacting with her. But thinking that Gwendolyn is weak would be a grave mistake. When in trouble, her inner strength is nothing short of incredible. She's not to be trifled with and can become very dangerous if scorned.

Theme Song: Imperfection by Evanescence

Fears: Not being good enough, death
Favorite Color: Purple
Hobbies: Writing, video games, dancing, singing, cooking
Tastes In Music: Gwendolyn is very eclectic and will listen to anything that sounds good.


  • Gwendolyn is good at dancing and singing but not many people know about this.
  • She loves to cook and will often have banquets and barbecues for people in her community.
  • Gwendolyn writes fairly often, keeping a diary and writing poetry along with short stories.


Peaceful or Aggressive: Peaceful
Fighting Skills:
  • Tai Chi
  • Krav Maga

Family, Friends, and Foes

Mother: Veronica Banks (nee Dickerson) | Lawyer | Alive
Father: David Banks | Judge | Alive
Wife: Aileen Banks-McKenzie | FBI Agent | Alive

Past: From a young age, Gwendolyn was raised in a strait-laced Christian household and was taught personal responsibility as well as family values. Her mother Veronica was especially strict with her and didn't allow her to do most things other girls did. As Gwendolyn became a teenager, she was exposed to quite a lot of things that her mother advised her against but her natural curiosity steered her away from what she was taught much to her mother's chagrin.

In an attempt to reel her daughter back in, Veronica began to manipulate and control Gwendolyn, showing her true, diabolic, and devilish colors. But it all proved to be in vain once Gwendolyn graduated from high school. Some of her friends took her to a club and it was there that she met Aileen McKensie who was a member of the U.S. Air Force Security Forces and had just returned from her second deployment.

Gwendolyn quickly became attached to Aileen to the point of infatuation and they became inseparable. Before Gwendolyn knew it, she was falling in love with Aileen and thanks to her influence, she came out of the closet as bisexual. While her father David was loving and accepting of Gwendolyn's sexuality, Veronica denounced it and practically stated that she would rather have no children than have a daughter that liked women.

Despite the immense emotional pain from Veronica's rejection, Gwendolyn found the inner strength to cut her out of her life for good and moved in with Aileen. With this change came Gwendolyn's drive to become a cop, going to college while Aileen's military career continued to soar.

At age 21, Gwendolyn became a police officer like she always hoped for after getting her Bachelor's in Criminal Justice. 5 years later, gay marriage became legal in the United States and Aileen proposed to Gwendolyn in response. This lead to them getting married later that day and Aileen made the decision to leave the U.S. Air Force, applying to become an FBI agent. Now the couple are living a comfortable, peaceful life with them against the world.

Basic Information

Full Name: Aileen Leslie Banks-McKenzie
Nicknames: Lee (by everyone)
Aliases: N/A

Age: 31
Birthday: November 8th

Race/Ethnicity: German and English
Religion: Christian
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Place Of Birth: Dallas, Texas, United States Of America
Current Residence: Atlanta, Georgia, United States Of America
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Hebrew
Relationship Status: Married

Occupation: U.S. Air Force (former), FBI Agent (current)

Physical Appearance

Overall Figure: Aileen has a moderately muscular and slender build with broad shoulders from her military training and flared hips appropriate for her age.

Height: 5'10
Weight: 175 lbs

Eye Color: Pale Blue
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Aileen keeps her hair short and neatly cut/trimmed.

Piercings: N/A
Jewelry: Aileen has a black wedding ring on her left ring finger.
Tattoos: Aileen has her wedding anniversary on her right arm, Gwendolyn's name on her back, and the U.S. Air Force symbol on her abdomen.
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Aileen has many scars in various places on her body from her military background, some more grotesque than others.

Clothing Style: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3


Smoker - Yes (occasionally) | Drinker - Yes | Drug User - No

Disabilities (Physical or Otherwise): N/A
Mental Illnesses: N/A
Addictions: N/A
Allergies: Wheat


Aileen is stoic and strong, yet loyal to the bone. She's tough, athletic, but not much of a conversationalist. She makes for her lack of conversation with bluntness, sarcasm, irony, and occasionally brutality. A straightforward athlete, Aileen lives for the speed and thrill and is willing to take up any challenge. She is also calm and collected compared to someone who might be more perky. Thanks to her athleticism, Aileen is resourceful, adaptable, and can hold her own. However, because of her fierce attitude, Aileen is not the most approachable person to be around nor is she willing to accept limits, and at worst she can be highly opinionated. Even those closest to her can have a hard time to help her to open up. Due to her dedication, she also has little patience for people who move at a leisurely or frivolous pace.

Despite her stinginess, frank, and cynical ways, Aileen is a strong-willed woman who would do anything to protect her loved ones. When things get tough, she can become very serious and puts their lives over any obstacle that comes in her way. She is able to take control of a situation even when the odds are against her, making her a natural leader when needed be. Aileen is committed to what she believes in and is determined to get the job done, which she passes on to her loved ones when their hopes are down. Along with her loyalty, Aileen has a strong code of honor and uncompromising values.

However, what lies behind Aileen's rough shell is perhaps an immensely compassionate heart towards humanity in general. She also tends to be recalcitrant, uncooperative and reckless and is known to head into conflict without thinking. Aileen is fiercely independent and unapologetically authentic.  She doesn’t try to change for others.  She is not warm, sentimental, or overly emotional, but she cares deeply.  She wouldn’t do anything she doesn’t think is right.  She doesn’t talk about her feelings, but she acts on them. No words, no need to express what she feels. She just does what she likes or what she believes is right.

Aileen is direct, blunt, and to the point, which means sometimes she comes off as rude.  She wants to take action, and she wants to get stuff done.  She doesn’t accumulate information for the sake of it, she has a purpose behind her actions.  She doesn’t put up with nonsense and isn’t afraid to say so. Aileen always trusts her gut, or her intuition, about a situation. It never lets her down.

Theme Song: I Am....All Of Me by Crush 40

Fears: Losing Gwendolyn
Favorite Color: Black
Hobbies: Racing, video games, martial arts, running, guns
Tastes In Music: Aileen mostly listens to rock, metal, and rap/hip-hop.


  • Aileen lives for speed and thrills so it's expected that she's an excellent racer, regardless of the category. Cars, motorcycles, off-road, she can do it all.
  • She's very athletic, participating in running and martial arts.
  • Aileen is a firearms specialist and skilled with aircrafts alongside being well-versed in military tactics.


Peaceful or Aggressive: Aggressive
Fighting Skills:
  • Kung Fu
  • Wushu
  • Jeet Kune Do
  • Mixed Martial Arts

 Family, Friends, and Foes

Father: Allister McKenzie | Chef | Alive
Mother: Celia De Luca | Nurse | Alive
Wife: Gwendolyn Banks-McKenzie | Police Sergeant | Alive

Past: Aileen's mother Celia gave birth to her when she was 17, her father Allister being 21 at the time. Allister was already an accomplished chef in his own right and working in his family's restaurant while Celia decided to go to school to become a registered nurse. Their hectic lifestyles combined with raising Aileen was very taxing on the young couple but they managed to pull through for her sake. Allister and Celia's relationship was volatile and unstable because of his frequent infidelity. Fights and arguments were aplenty in the McKensie household.

When Aileen was 13, she had her first lesbian experience with a girl named Esmeralda. Ironically Allister was cheating on Celia with Esmeralda's mother and using Aileen to cover for him which she didn't care about because of her keeping her lesbianism a secret.

Aileen and Esmeralda's relationship only lasted for 4 months and she decided to start dating a close male friend of hers named Corey as a cover for her sexuality. While she did indeed love him, it was only in a platonic sense and eventually she got tired of the lies. When Aileen was 16, her parents broke up for good and she decided to come out as a lesbian, breaking up with Corey in the process. But it was amicable and they still remained good friends.

To Aileen's shock, she was met with acceptance and relief from her family and peers and felt true freedom for the first time in her life. She graduated from high school at age 17 and enlisted in the United States Air Force soon afterwards. Her main goal was to join the Security Forces. Basic Training as well as Technical Training was a difficult hurdle for Aileen but she pushed herself beyond her limits and got through it thanks to the support of her family and Corey who had enlisted alongside her.

Aileen found herself in a Close Precision Engagement Team with Corey, him being the spotter and her being the sniper. While this was her main specialty, she also found herself in engagement teams as well as being a defender thanks to cross-training.

At age 21, Aileen found herself in Atlanta, Georgia at a bar, having just returned from her second deployment. It was there that she met Gwendolyn Banks. Although Aileen's initial reaction was to find her annoying, Gwendolyn refused to give up and Aileen found herself getting quite attached to the woman. Before she knew it, she was heading into a whirlwind, passionate romance with Gwendolyn but the main issue was her hiding her sexuality.

Gwendolyn decided to rectify this by coming out as bisexual but she was kicked out of her parents' house and denounced by her mother as a result. Aileen instantly took Gwendolyn into her new home and this only solidified their relationship further. As Gwendolyn went to school to become a cop, Aileen continued to work on her military career.

5 years after Gwendolyn became a cop, gay marriage became legal across the United States and Aileen proposed to her which lead to them getting married later that day with Corey as her best man. After 11 years in the Air Force, Aileen decided to leave once her contract expired and applied to become an FBI agent. Now she's living peacefully with the love of her life and taking on the world by storm.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Single Parent x Single Parent OCs

Basic Information

Full Name: Roxanne Louise Thompson
Nicknames: Roxi (by everyone), Speed Demon (by everyone)
Aliases: N/A

Age: 28
Birthday: November 13th

Race/Ethnicity: African-American
Religion: Atheist
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Place Of Birth: Tupelo, Mississippi, United States Of America
Current Residence: Memphis, Tennessee, United States Of America
Fluent Languages: English, Spanish, Korean
Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Professional Racer, Athlete, Model

Physical Appearance

Overall Figure: Roxanne has an athletic and voluptuous figure.

Height: 5'10
Weight: 170 lbs

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Varies

Piercings: Ears
Jewelry: Roxanne always wears a locket that has a picture of her, her son, and her boyfriend Christian inside.
Tattoos: Roxanne has "Burn Rubber Not Your Soul" on her chest, "Woman Up" on her right arm, and a dragon on her left calf.
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Roxanne has a scar on her abdomen.

Clothing Style: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3


Smoker - No | Drinker - Yes | Drug User - No

Disabilities (Physical or Otherwise): None that she's aware of
Mental Illnesses: N/A
Addictions: Roxanne is an adrenaline junkie to the fullest.
Allergies: Watermelon, kiwi, coconut


Roxanne is stoic and strong, yet loyal to the bone. She's tough, athletic, but not much of a conversationalist. She makes for her lack of conversation with bluntness, sarcasm, irony, and occasionally brutality. A straightforward athlete, Roxanne lives for the speed and thrill and is willing to take up any challenge. She is also calm and collected compared to someone who might be more perky. Thanks to her athleticism, Roxanne is resourceful, adaptable, and can hold her own. However, because of her fierce attitude, Roxanne is not the most approachable person to be around nor is she willing to accept limits, and at worst she can be highly opinionated. Even those closest to her can have a hard time to help her to open up. Due to her dedication, she also has little patience for people who move at a leisurely or frivolous pace.

Despite her stinginess, frank, and cynical ways, Roxanne is a strong-willed woman who would do anything to protect her loved ones. When things get tough, she can become very serious and puts their lives over any obstacle that comes in her way. She is able to take control of a situation even when the odds are against her, making her a natural leader when needed be. Roxanne is committed to what she believes in and is determined to get the job done, which she passes on to her loved ones when their hopes are down. Along with her loyalty, Roxanne has a strong code of honor and uncompromising values.

However, what lies behind Roxanne's rough shell is perhaps an immensely compassionate heart towards humanity in general. She also tends to be recalcitrant, uncooperative and reckless and is known to head into conflict without thinking. Roxanne is fiercely independent and unapologetically authentic.  She doesn’t try to change for others.  She is not warm, sentimental, or overly emotional, but she cares deeply.  She wouldn’t do anything she doesn’t think is right.  She doesn’t talk about her feelings, but she acts on them. No words, no need to express what she feels. She just does what she likes or what she believes is right.

Roxanne  is direct, blunt, and to the point, which means sometimes she comes off as rude.  She wants to take action, and she wants to get stuff done.  She doesn’t accumulate information for the sake of it, she has a purpose behind her actions.  She doesn’t put up with nonsense and isn’t afraid to say so. Roxanne always trusts her gut, or her intuition, about a situation. It never lets her down.

Theme Song: I Will Not Bow by Breaking Benjamin

Fears: Losing her son
Favorite Color: Red
Hobbies: Racing, video games, sports
Tastes In Music: Roxanne likes rock, metal, and rap/hip-hop.


  • Roxanne lives for speed and thrills so it's expected that she's an excellent racer, regardless of the category. Cars, motorcycles, off-road, she can do it all.
  • She's very athletic, participating in many sports, martial arts, and dancing.
  • Roxanne knows the ins and outs of mechanical engineering and industrial design thanks to majoring in them when she was in college.


Peaceful or Aggressive: Aggressive
Fighting Skills:
  • Muy Thai
  • Kickboxing
  • Judo
  • Shotokan Karate

Family, Friends, and Foes

Mother: Patricia Thompson (nee Banks) | Emergency Physician | Alive
Father: Gavin Thompson | Architect | Alive
Older Brother: Ryan Thompson | Welder | Alive
Younger Sister: Carolyn James (nee Thompson) | Housewife | Alive
Son: Raphael Valentino | Alive

Past: From the time Roxanne was born, it seemed as if she was destined for greatness. She was always testing the limits alongside being mischievous and rebellious. The fact that she was a tomboy just set things in place even more. When Roxanne was 8, she found her true calling in racing and became very invested in kart races, working her way up as she got older and went through puberty, joining the SCCA by the time she was 15.

Roxanne became very popular at school and in the community because of her racing and overall athleticism. She had many admirers including a billionaire named Christian Valentino whom she lost her virginity to on her 18th birthday even though he was 12 years her senior and married. Even though her family disapproved of their relationship, Roxanne and Christian continued to see each other and when she graduated from high school, she moved in with him after his wife left due to the illicit affair. Roxanne's reputation in the racing circuit along with Christian's connections resulted in her going professional and her career skyrocketed.

Six months later, Roxanne discovered that she was pregnant and Christian proposed to her in response. Balancing her newfound career, pregnancy, and college was very stressful for Roxanne but she got through it thanks to Christian's love and support. At age 20, Roxanne had a son which she decided to name Raphael.

Christian was overjoyed to finally be a father but sadly he didn't get to experience it as he died in a car accident when Raphael was 6 months old. Roxanne was devastated and when Christian's will was read, it was discovered that he changed it so she and his son would inherit everything he owned instead of his ex-wife. 

Deciding to live her life the fullest the way Christian would want her to, Roxanne graduated from school at the top of her class, majoring in Industrial Design and Mechanical Engineering. Now she's a huge international celebrity, focusing on her career and raising her son the best she can with support from her family and friends.

Basic Information

Full Name: Raymond Lee Park
Nicknames: Ray (by everyone)
Aliases: N/A

Age: 30
Birthday: July 4th

Race/Ethnicity: Korean-American
Religion: Atheist
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Place Of Birth: Chicago, Illinois, United States Of America
Current Residence: Memphis, Tennessee, United States Of America
Languages Spoken: English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese
Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Sex Therapist, Sexual Educator

Physical Appearance

Overall Figure: Raymond has a tall and statuesque appearance.

Height: 6'1
Weight: 170 lbs

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Raymond keeps his hair short and neatly trimmed.

Piercings: N/A
Jewelry: Raymond wears a ring on his right ring finger.
Tattoos: Raymond has the names of his children tattooed on his back.
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Raymond has a birthmark under his left eye.

Clothing Style: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3


Smoker - No | Drinker - Yes | Drug User - No

Disabilities (Physical or Otherwise): Raymond has asthma.
Mental Illnesses: N/A
Addictions: N/A
Allergies: Onions, dust


On the outside, Raymond may seem tough, intimidating, and looks like he has it all together. He might even look like he's not very compassionate or good at empathy. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Underneath his tough shell lies a sensitive man filled with compassion and lots of love to give. Raymond is a very complex machine indeed. He has a hatred for instability and the complete inability to be decisive. This makes him a wonder to behold for anyone lucky enough to be allowed into his inner world.

Raymond is very nurturing and need both to be nurtured and to nurture others which makes him a great family man. Unfortunately it's in his nature to distrust just about anything and anyone. It's what helps him survive in life. Raymond's very secretive and private to the point of notoriety. If he shows any vulnerability whatsoever, he really likes that person or environment. Another defining trait most people notice about Raymond is his charm. From his dashing smile to his gorgeous eyes, you won't be able to pull yourself away from his charm. What's more is that he knows just how captivating he can be and will often use that to his advantage when he lures you in.

Raymond is a very moody being. His emotions can change quicker than a flash of lightening and back again before the thunder claps. One minute he's hiding in his shell, the next he's holding you close, and before you know it, he's got that pincer hooked into your soft spot, then he's back to crying in his shell again. If in doubt, he can be jealous and controlling. Some might even call him clingy, insecure, needy, moody, or boring. He's also a bit reclusive.

Raymond leads with his heart, not his mind, and is therefore extremely affectionate, sensitive, thoughtful, intuitive, caring, and easily hurt. He is an expert in emotions and makes an excellent life partner both in a platonic and romantic sense. The way to his heart is through his stomach or his family. He is a bit of a home-body and invests a lot of thought and energy on (and time in) his home environment. His relatives are very important to him and getting to know them or his friends is a great way to enter into the heart of his world.

Theme Song: Love Of My Life by Queen

Fears: Being hurt/vulnerable, losing his family
Favorite Color: Black
Hobbies: Cooking, Surfing, Swimming, Reading, Music, Drawing/Painting
Tastes In Music: Raymond will listen to anything and isn't picky.


  • Raymond loves food and is excellent at the culinary arts. Cooking is like second nature to him.
  • He likes water and will gladly participate in anything having to do with it. Swimming, surfing, jet skiing, the works.
  • Raymond can play the piano and keyboard as well as sing.
  • He can draw and paint very well, his art being rather famous and popular especially on the internet.


Peaceful or Aggressive: Peaceful
Fighting Skills:
  • Street Fighting
  • Jeet Kune Do
  • Tai Chi

Family, Friends, and Foes

Father: Daniel Park | Judge | Alive
Mother: Naomi Park | Lawyer | Alive
Twin Sister: Rachel Blade (nee Park) | FBI Agent | Alive
Younger Brother: Daniel Park Jr | U.S. Marine | Alive
Daughter: Diana Park | Alive
Daughter: Diane Park | Alive

Past: Raymond had an upbringing with structure and firm but loving discipline. He was raised to have family values, personal responsibility, and a strict moral code. But Raymond went against everything his family stood for when he befriended a Latino girl named Carmelita at age 13. She lived in the South Side of Chicago unlike Raymond whose family was rich and she was a member of the Latin Kings and Queens which he didn't even find out about until 2 years later.

Despite his family's concern for Raymond's safety, he continued to hang out with Carmelita, even getting involved in some of her gang activity. Their relationship quickly turned sexual and once Raymond graduated from high school, he decided to move to Memphis to go to college and Carmelita willingly followed and moved in with him, her reputation as a Latin Queen enabling her to do so.

As Carmelita became more and more involved in the gang life, Raymond focused on his studies, deciding to become a sexual educator and therapist. But Carmelita's gang life caught up with her and three years later, she and Raymond were pulled over with ten kilos of cocaine in their trunk. Not wanting Raymond's life to be ruined, Carmelita took the full brunt of the charges and was sentenced to 12 years in prison at age 21.

Raymond stayed right by her side especially once Carmelita told him that she was pregnant with twins. She gave birth to twin girls that she named Diana and Diane, allowing Raymond to have full custody of them. But it came at the cost of their relationship as Carmelita decided to end things with Raymond, wanting him to live his life and raise their daughters better than she ever could.

Now Raymond is a single father raising his daughters on his own all while having a prolific career in sex therapy and education.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Adult Pregnancy OCs

Basic Information

Full Name: Veronica Anne Santiago
Nicknames: Ron (by everyone), Ronnie (by everyone), Ronnie Ann (by everyone), V (by everyone), Mia Bella (by Christian)
Aliases: N/A

Age: 25
Birthday: November 30th

Race/Ethnicity: Puerto Rican and Dominican
Religion: Catholic
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Place Of Birth: Dallas, Texas, United States Of America
Current Residence: Dallas, Texas, United States Of America
Fluent Languages: English, Spanish
Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Texas State Trooper

Physical Appearance

Overall Figure: Veronica has an athletic build thanks to having a regular workout schedule and a proper diet.

Height: 5'5
Weight: 120 lbs
Measurements: 34-25-34 in

Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Varies

Piercings: Ears
Tattoos: Veronica has "Ride Or Die" on her upper right arm, a pair of guns on her sternum, a dragon on her back, and a cross with the names "Roberto Santiago" and "Richard Reed" under it on her left arm.
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Veronica has many scars on her body from her history in law enforcement and on the streets.

Clothing Style: Veronica is a tough tomboy and it definitely shows in her style of dress. But she's not against dressing more feminine or sexy if she has to.


Smoker - No | Drinker - Yes | Drug User - No

Disabilities (Physical or Otherwise): N/A
Mental Illnesses: N/A
Addictions: N/A
Allergies: Onions, shrimp


Veronica is very tough, badass, streetwise, and able to fit in where most women would not. She's down to earth and her spitfire personality only adds to it. If someone exchanges a crooked word or two with her, she will gladly defend herself and show them how they need to treat her. Veronica knows herself very well and moves at her own pace. No one tells her what to do until she figures it out for herself. She's very bold, blunt, and not afraid to tell people what they don't want to hear.

Veronica is incredibly loyal and driven when it comes to her loved ones and will gladly follow them to the ends of the earth or sacrifice herself if need be. She's fearless, laughs at the face of danger, and is quite wild. Her love for adventure and devilish nature makes her one of life's biggest cheerleaders. There's nothing impossible to Veronica and she's down for whatever.

Veronica knows how to turn an idea into an opportunity and loves to be tested or challenged. She is kind hearted, empathetic, and is more than helpful especially when she gets something in return. Veronica's biggest flaws are her impatience and unfiltered mouth. She has a habit of saying things that make people wanna hurt her but she gives no fucks. Veronica is an independent free spirit and being tied down isn't easy for her. She has trust issues and fears being abandoned which makes her distance herself from others, adopting a "Quality over quantity" attitude when it comes to the people she surrounds herself with.

Theme Song: Bad Reputation by Joan Jett

Fears: Missing out, claustrophobia, abandonment
Favorite Color: Red
Hobbies: Cars, motorcycles, guns, video games, reading, traveling
Tastes In Music: Veronica likes rap/hip-hop, R&B, rock, and metal mostly.


  • Veronica is a self-proclaimed gearhead, knowing a lot about cars, motorcycles, and engines.
  • Veronica is a firearms specialist and is skilled with a variety of weapons, her weapons of choice being a pair of modified Beretta 92FS's which she always carries on her person.
  • She has a large collection of books and magazines, being the pure definition of a bookworm.


Peaceful or Aggressive: Aggressive
Fighting Skills:
  • Mixed Marital Arts
  • Kickboxing
  • Street Fighting

Family, Friends, and Foes

Mother: Maria Santiago (nee Aguilar) | Emergency Physician | Alive
Father: Roberto Santiago | Texas State Trooper | Deceased
Twin Sister: Valeria Garcia (nee Santiago) | Housewife | Alive
Brother-In-Law: Christopher Garcia | Fire Captain | Alive
Nephew: Christopher Garcia Jr | Alive
Niece: Claire Garcia | Alive
Younger Brother: Alejandro Santiago | IT Specialist | Alive
Younger Brother: Roberto Santiago Jr | U.S. Air Force | Alive

Past: Veronica's childhood was fun, eventful, and full of life and energy. From the time she was a toddler, she was an energetic tomboy as opposed to her twin sister Valeria who was a proper girly girl. Because of this, Veronica had a much closer relationship with her father and was indeed a daddy's girl. Her biggest dream was becoming a Texas State Trooper just like him.

When Veronica was 12, she got sick at school and her father checked her out as a result. While they were on their way home, Roberto saw a robbery in progress and tried to stop it but was shot in the process with Veronica and the victim (who was a local friend of hers named Richard) being the only witnesses. Roberto died in Veronica's arms and it had a very strong impact on her.

Veronica began to act out after she turned 13, hanging out with the wrong crowd and eventually lost her virginity to Richard who later became her boyfriend. Their relationship became a Bonnie and Clyde dynamic and they became known for causing and getting into various trouble and mischief throughout the years.

On Veronica's high school graduation night, she and Richard went out to dinner and he proposed to her which she eagerly said yes to. While they were driving home, they were hit by a drunk driver and their car wound up flipping into the air and landing upside down. Miraculously, Veronica managed to escape from the vehicle unscathed but Richard's leg was pinned and he was unable to escape. Veronica called for help and stayed with Richard until the paramedics arrived.

Sadly Richard died on the way to the hospital. His death destroyed Veronica and she resolved to become a Texas State Trooper like she always dreamed instead of running around in the streets and being a troublemaker. Giving up on love, Veronica went to college and after graduating with an Associate's in Criminal Justice, she submitted her application and was easily accepted.

After going through all of the assessments, Veronica went off to the DPS Training Academy, becoming one of the top recruits and graduating with high honors. She's been a Texas State Trooper ever since, building up a reputation similar to that of her father and devoting her life to protecting others.

Basic Information

Full Name: Christian Zane Valentino
Nicknames: Diablo (by everyone), Chris (by Veronica)
Aliases: N/A

Age: 26
Birthday: March 9th

Race/Ethnicity: Italian
Religion: Christian (former), Atheist (current)
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Place Of Birth: Houston, Texas, United States Of America
Current Residence: Dallas, Texas, United States Of America
Fluent Languages: English, Spanish, Italian
Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Author, songwriter, Owner of Devil Geeks

Physical Appearance

Overall Figure: Christian is tall and statuesque with muscles that show his athleticism and overall prowess.

Height: 6'2
Weight: 180 lbs

Eye Color: Blue'
Hair Color: Brunette
Hair Style: Christian keeps his hair neatly styled and gelled.

Piercings: N/A
Tattoos: Christian has a devil on his back, music notes trailing down his left arm, and the Anima Sola on his chest.
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Christian has some scars on his arms, upper thighs, and legs from his history of self-harm. More specifically carving words into his flesh using a wood-burning tool.

Clothing Style: Christian dresses in a rebellious, punk style. He expresses himself freely however he wishes to.


Smoker - No | Drinker - Yes | Drug User - No

Disabilities (Physical Or Otherwise): N/A
Mental Illnesses: Christian currently suffers from clinical depression as well as an anxiety disorder. He also has a history of self-mutilation and has attempted suicide twice.
Addictions: N/A
Allergies: N/A


Christian is a man with many scars and secrets. He hides them underneath a darkly humorous, apathetic, cynical attitude with a quick temper to match. He's crafty, intelligent, and well known for his writing skill and technical genius. Christian's outsider status allows him to view most things from an objective point of view and his detachment from others lends itself to conflict with those who dislike him. He displays an impatient nature underneath his apathetic affect and when it's combined with his temper, it can become very disastrous for anyone who incurs it.

Christian is passionate about few things but will protect them with everything he has. He can be a very forgiving person as well as determined and not easily deterred, willing and able to overcome any obstacle in front of him. Christian is very misunderstood, moody, and rebellious. He doesn't follow the ways of society and makes his own rules, unafraid to be different and march to the beat of his own drum.

Christian is very intuitive and perceptive which isn't surprising due to his intelligence. He can easily see past people's defense mechanisms and outward appearances and simply doesn't give a damn what others think of him. This practically makes him immune to things like peer pressure and he doesn't care much about pleasing others unless that person is very important to him in which they're awarded with his undying loyalty, love, and passion.

Theme Song: Nobody's Listening by Linkin Park

Fears: Intimacy, being vulnerable
Favorite Color: Black
Hobbies: Video games, writing, music, technology, cooking, reading
Tastes In Music: Christian is very eclectic and likes all kinds of music.


  • Christian is widely considered a musical genius and his creativity is unmatched due to his ability to make something out of nothing. The songs he writes are generally acclaimed.
  • Christian is a talented writer and has written many poems and short stories which have been acclaimed by many as well as a few novels.
  • He's a great cook but not many people know about this hidden talent.
  • Christian is a technical geek to the fullest, is very skilled at repairing electronics, and knows everything about them in general.


Peaceful or Aggressive: Peaceful
Fighting Skills:
  • Akido
  • Judo
  • Shotokan Karate

Family, Friends, and Foes

Mother: Luna Valentino (nee Harrington) | COO of Valentino Worldwide Holdings | Alive
Father: Jeffery Valentino | CEO of Valentino Worldwide Holdings | Alive
Twin Sister: Christina Valentino | U.S. Marine | Alive
Older Brother: Daniel Valentino | CFO of Valentino Worldwide Holdings | Alive

Past: Christian was set in life from the moment he was born. His parents being wealthy socialites and owning a multinational hospitality company practically guaranteed an easy life for him and his siblings. But Christian's life was anything but that. Starting from the age of 4, he was sexually molested and abused by a prominent pastor who was close friends with his parents.

Christian became socially withdrawn and turned to computers, writing, and self-mutilation as he got older and became a teenager, even attempting to commit suicide when he was 13. After being raped for the last time at age 16, Christian decided that enough was enough and attempted suicide for the second time but his parents found him and took him to a hospital.

He finally broke down and revealed his self-mutilation and prolonged sexual abuse to them. Christian's mental breakdown was so severe that his parents were forced to hospitalize him in a mental facility for six months. His abuser had multiple other victims who had also come forward and thanks to their testimonies as well as him having images and videos, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison.
While Christian was institutionalized, he met a girl named Kristen that he eventually became close friends with. She was practically his safe haven and confidante, giving him confidence and power that he never felt before. Kristen convinced Christian to channel everything that he was feeling into his budding computer and writing talents and thus their relationship became blurred between romance and friendship.

But sadly Kristen committed suicide not too long after Christian was released, leaving behind a note that showed her love and faith in him as well as her desires to see him succeed. Christian used writing as an outlet for his grief and by the time he graduated from high school, he had written a novel called To Write Love On Her Arm that he dedicated to Kristen which he had self-published with the help of his parents.

Christian enrolled in college, his major being computer science and having a minor in business management. All throughout his college career, Christian continued to write stories and poems as well as songs to unwind and distract himself. Those secret talents became public quite quickly as they became noticed and attracted the attention of some rather powerful people.

After graduating summa cum laude from college, Christian finally got started on his biggest dream: starting an electronics repair shop. He named his shop Devil Geeks and it wasn't long before his business became quite successful and well-known. Christian's writing talents also were a big success for him and he often supplements his income from his shop thanks to the royalties he makes.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Shaman King OC


Name: Candace Jasmine Grant

Nicknames: Candy Cane (by her clients), CJ (by everyone), Queen (by Ren), Darling (by Ren)

Species: Human/Shaman

Ethnicity: African-American

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Birthday: November 9th, 1983

Life Story: Candace's mother Leeandra was very immoral, promiscuous, and devoid of all manner in her youth. Her sexual adventures resulted in Candace and her older brother Benjamin being born and she had to raise them by herself without any of their fathers around. At the age of five, Candace was molested and raped by a man named Dylan that her mother was dating. Despite her mother having him arrested, Candace internalized the pain and began to go down a dark path while Leeandra became a Christian, determined to live her life right.

Starting at age 7, she began stealing and lying compulsively and by age 13, she was hanging with the wrong crowd, becoming sexually active, and running away from home. Candace learned her many artifices and maneuvers from a close mentor/cousin of hers named Steve who was a transvestite. On her 16th birthday, she stole Leeandra's mortgage money and a big argument ensued which led to Candace moving out on her own.

Steve's death only fueled the stirring fire within Candace and when she met the 450 year old spirit of a singer named Lilith, she decided to become a shaman and asked Lilith to become her guardian ghost. Now Candace currently travels and drifts from place to place, doing various activities to get by, including illegal ones.

~~About Her~~

Personality: Candace is a secretive, scandalous, roguish, and crafty jezebel with a very mischievous, flippant, saucy, presumptuous, and extremely nervy attitude. Often she subjugates others through her many forms of manipulation, extortion, low blows, and dirt she's able to obtain on people. Unprincipled and unscrupulous, Candace often engages in rather questionable activities and thuggish behaviors such as conning/robbing, being an escort and mistress, engaging in elaborate forms of blackmail, etc.

Candace often expresses a discontentment with growing up with nothing and the dysfunctional family life she feels was brought on by her mother's bad choices and sexual immoralities. As a result, she longs for wealth and power and will go to any and all lengths to rise to the top, not caring what it takes. Candace will even exhibit some signs of possible psychopathic behavior and often uses her feminine wiles to get what she wants.

Candace has a chameleon, street-smart nature that enables her to blend in with any crowd and she's excellent at reading and profiling people. This combined with her free-spirited and bold demeanor makes her invaluable when it comes to infiltration and going undercover. Candace has no shame when it comes to her body or sexuality, being quite amoral and lusty and her open-mindedness knows little bounds.

Candace has deep emotional scars from her childhood which have turned her into an angry, vengeful woman. The main way she expresses her trauma is through her wrath. She's very choosy about her friends and associates and often appears as tough-minded, unemotional, and ruthless. Candace actually has low self-esteem underneath her behavior and has a sense of secret shame and humiliation. She is full of secrets, pain, anger, and vengeance.

Despite being picky about who she allows to get close to her as well as her numerous flaws, Candace is a person who is devoted to, loyal, and protective of her closest friends and will do anything to be there for them and support them, even to the point of being self-destructive and reckless. Judging isn't her style and she'll befriend people from all different walks of life thanks to her chameleon nature.

Good Habits: Ambitious, loyal, bold, popular, friendly, creative

Bad Habits: Greedy, secretive, manipulative, reckless, immoral, lusty

Likes: Money, power, her brother, dominance, parties, dancing, winning

Dislikes: Her mother, being broke, losing, being tied down, close-mindedness

Hobbies: Reading, dancing, fighting, gambling, cooking

Fears: Not having power, being penniless, being sexually assaulted

~~Dreams and Talents~~

Ambition/Life-long Dream: To be rich and powerful

Occupation: Shaman, Escort, Pimp

~~Family and Friends~~


Mother: Leeandra Grant | Alive


Older Brother: Benjamin Grant | Mechanic | Alive

Relatives: Unknown

Pets: Candace has a pet cat named Midnight.

Crush: Ren Tao

~~Shaman King Information~~

Special Weapon:

Guardian Ghost: 

Name: Lilith

Gender: Female

Age: 450

Birthday: August 5th

Date Of Death: August 6th

Country Of Birth: Senegal

Type: Seirei-Class

~~Looks and Appearance~~

Body Type: Petite and curvy

Blood Type: O-

Height: 5'11

Weight: 180 lbs

Outfit 1:

Outfit 2:

Outfit 3:


Makeup: N/A

Scent: Lavender and rosemary

Hairstyles: Candace styles her hair depending on the situation, outfit, and how she feels.

Scars, Tattoos, and/or Piercings: Candace has a devil tattooed on her back, a tribal design on her upper right arm, and a dragon on her left arm.


~~Extra Information~~

Theme Song: Sinner by Drowning Pool
Love Song: What's Love Got To Do With It by Tina Turner

Quote: "Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?"

Favorite Foods: Cheeseburgers, ramen, leeks, steak

Favorite Color: Black

Favorite Number: 13

Favorite Season: Summer

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Favorite Time Of Day: Night