Saturday, July 27, 2013

Good Girl x Bad Boy OCs

Basic Information

Full Name: Mary Jane Gilhousen
Nickname: MJ (by everyone)
Aliases: N/A

Age: Depends on the roleplay
Birthday: March 5th

Race/Ethnicity: Vietnamese, Chinese, and French
Religion: Buddhist
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Place Of Birth: Beverly Hills, California, United States Of America
Current Residence: Beverly Hills, California, United States Of America
Fluent Languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, French
Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Depends on the roleplay

Physical Appearance

Overall Figure: Mary Jane is curvaceous and fit, her body showing years of martial arts training and exercise.

Height: 5'8
Weight: 155 lbs

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Mary Jane's hair is perfectly straight and she styles it how she sees fit.

Piercings: Ears
Tattoos: N/A
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: N/A

Clothing Style: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3


Smoker - No | Drinker - No | Drug User - No

Disabilities (Physical or Otherwise): Mary Jane suffers from Type 1 diabetes and hypertension.
Mental Illnesses: N/A
Addictions: N/A
Allergies: N/A


On the surface, Mary Jane is soft-spoken and polite as well as warm and compassionate. Motivation and cheerfulness are also a part of her daily routine. Her biggest personality trait is her calm, "zen-like" nature. Mary Jane rarely loses her composure and is always there to offer support and wise advice to anyone who needs it. She's an intellectual and it's not surprising that she's intelligent and studious as well as logical.

Mary Jane is an extrovert who's always on the go, participating in many events, activities, and hobbies. She's even-tempered and doesn't get violent unless she's defending herself or her loved ones but she does have a breaking point and it isn't pretty if she reaches it. Mary Jane is humble and good-natured as well. She's very loyal and dutiful towards her family and friends even to a fault which can definitely work against her. Mary Jane is also very generous, never afraid to help people with financial matters.

But for those who truly know Mary Jane, they see a very different side of her. She's highly passive-aggressive and displays anger, hatred, bitterness, and stress in a suppressed but still very detectable fashion. Mary Jane is filled with melancholy, rancor, and sullen indignation primarily as a result of the various trials and tribulations brought upon her as it mostly relates to her family. Due to her overwhelming stress, unforthcoming nature, and tendency to hold her feelings in, she has been known to express herself in ways that are unhealthy, passive-aggressive, and at times even volatile and explosive. Mary Jane has a sarcastic streak a mile long and snapping/blowing up at people isn't uncommon for her to do. Her reputation in the community has been a major reason for her restraint and unhealthy expressions of pent-up rage but she has her limits and her facade is very capable of slipping away and revealing the true bitch underneath.

Very intuitive, Mary Jane always has some idea of what's going on without things being directly revealed to her. At the same time, she often feigns ignorance to certain matters that she's well-aware of. Mary Jane is indeed quite two-faced when she's going through conflict with someone. She acts loving and content with them when in public but in private she becomes bitter and saturnine towards them. Crossing Mary Jane is not a wise thing to do as she will scheme and plot to make them as miserable as possible or if she's angered enough, she'll lash out at them and hurt them to the fullest.

Theme Song: Stand My Ground by Within Temptation


Pacifism (In the face of the requirement to act)

Fears: Dying, being helpless, claustrophia
Favorite Color: Blue
Hobbies: Sports, video games, music, dancing
Tastes In Music: Mary Jane likes to listen to anything with a good rhythm and is very open-minded.


  • Mary Jane is an experienced martial artist, her style of choice being Mantis Kung Fu.
  • She participates in many sports such as basketball, soccer, and volleyball.
  • Mary Jane loves to bake and does it very often, serving pastries and sweets to her fellow peers.


Peaceful or Aggressive: Peaceful
Fighting Skills:
  • Northern Praying Mantis
  • Southern Praying Mantis

Family, Friends, and Foes

Mother: Trinity Gilhousen (nee Kwan) | Lawyer | Alive
Father: Raphael Gilhousen | Judge | Alive
Older Brother: William Gilhousen | College Student | Alive
Younger Sister: Kinzie Gilhousen | Alive

Past: Born into a rich family, Mary Jane was granted a lot of opportunities and had a normal, happy childhood with minimal problems. At least that's how it looked. Behind the scenes, her parents' marriage is unstable and it leads to a lot of conflict, arguments, and overall tension. There are times where Mary Jane doesn't even go home because she wants to avoid the drama there, often staying with friends or going to her older brother's apartment

The main reason for the conflict between Mary Jane's parents is her father having various affairs with other women which has also made her mother begin having affairs, overall turning the Gilhousen home into a battlefield that Mary Jane often feels like she's in the middle of. The fact that they have to act like a big happy family in public just makes things even more stressful for Mary Jane.

Basic Information

Full Name: Riley Sin Whitmore
Nicknames: Lil Devil (by everyone)
Aliases: N/A

Age: Depends on the roleplay
Birthday: August 2nd

Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian
Religion: Atheist
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Place Of Birth: Compton, California, United States Of America
Current Residence: Beverly Hills, California, United States Of America
Fluent Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian
Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Depends on the roleplay

Physical Appearance

Overall Figure: Riley is statuesque and tall with muscles that show his experience and history in the streets.

Height: 6'2
Weight: 170 lbs

Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Riley keeps his hair neatly styled and gelled.

Piercings: N/A
Tattoos: Riley has a devil tattooed on his back, the symbol for anarchy on his upper right arm, and the Anima Sola on his chest.
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Riley has many scars and old wounds on his body from his street history.

Clothing Style: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3


Smoker - Yes | Drinker - Yes | Drug User - Yes (formally)

Disabilities (Physical Or Otherwise): N/A
Mental Illnesses: Riley has a history of depression and anger management.
Addictions: N/A
Allergies: N/A


Riley is a bad boy through and through. He's tough, rebellious, and hates being told what to do, having a general disdain for authority figures. He's brutally honest and blunt, giving off the impression that he's a jerk. But Riley just believes that honesty is always the best policy no matter what. He's more intelligent than he lets on which always surprises people. Riley is very misunderstood which has caused him to not trust people easily. He has a soft spot for kids and hates bullies. He has a bit of a chivalrous side and generally treats people the way they should be treated. But Riley can have his moments where he can lash out and simply become unbearable to be around. He's very passionate and persistent and doesn't believe in beating around the bush which means he's quite impatient. Riley is rather promiscuous and has no qualms about sleeping with various men and women. But he isn't irresponsible about it and makes sure to protect himself.

Underneath Riley's bold and cocky nature, he has a joking and kind side, even bordering on selflessness. He's cultured and very artistic to the point where some people would consider him a genius. When it comes to the people he's close to, Riley will do anything for them and is very protective and caring towards their well-being. He's a great person to have as a friend as well as a fearsome person to have as an enemy.

Theme Song: Straight Outta Compton by N.W.A

Social Intelligence


Fears: Heights, bugs, rats/mice
Favorite Color: Red
Hobbies: Cars, video games, technology, writing
Tastes In Music: Riley mainly listens to all kinds of rap/hip-hop, rock, and metal.


  • Riley is a very good handyman and mechanic, being very knowledgeable about vehicles and machinery.
  • He's a good cook and often does it in his spare time.
  • Riley enjoys writing stories and poetry but hides it out of embarrassment.


Peaceful or Aggressive: Aggressive
Fighting Skills:
  •  Street Fighting

Family, Friends, and Foes

Mother: Claudia Anderson | Housewife | Alive
Father: Percy Whitmore | Lawyer | Alive

Past: Riley's parents had him when they were teenagers, Claudia being 14 and Percy being 16. Because she chose to keep Riley instead of aborting him or putting him up for adoption, Claudia was disowned by her family and kicked out onto the streets. She moved in with Percy's family and the two teen parents continued to focus on their education while trying to raise Riley. But things between Claudia and Percy quickly turned sour after they graduated high school because of her constant partying and alcoholism which led to constant fights and their subsequent break-up.

When Riley was 6, Claudia decided to get a place of her own since Percy was away at college, intent on becoming a lawyer. They moved to Compton and since Claudia was unable to find a job, she turned to various criminal activities such as prostitution to support them which only added to her partying and constant drinking. But Riley was often neglected and left to his own devices, causing him to learn how to take care of himself at an early age.

Riley quickly adapted to the streets of Compton and became a local bad boy and delinquent, following in his mom's footsteps in a way. He also began smoking marijuana and drinking. When Riley was 13, Percy came home from law school and tracked him and Claudia down. Quickly finding out about their disastrous lifestyles, he immediately took them in and moved to Beverly Hills, wanting them to be a family again.

They are currently trying to repair things between them while Claudia and Riley also work on staying clean and out of trouble.

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