Monday, June 3, 2013

Naruto OC #2

~~Introduction Of Character~~

Name: Nariko Erika Morita (nee Mishima)

Age: 26-27 (Part 1), 29-31 (Part 2)

Gender: Female

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual

Marital Status: Widowed

Nickname(s): Bloodhound (by everyone)

Aliases: N/A

Date Of Birth: November 9th

Date Of Death: N/A

Astrological/Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Japanese

Blood Type: B

Affiliations/Organizations: Konohagakure

Occupation: Ninja
  • Rank: Anbu (Part 1 and 2)
  • Team: Fox
  • Classification: N/A

~~The Character's Appearance~~

General Appearance:

Height: 5'8 (Part 1 and 2)

Weight: 150 lbs (Part 1), 155 lbs (Part 2)

Handedness: Right

Tattoos/Birthmarks/Scars: Nariko has the Anbu tattoo on her right shoulder, "Bloodhound" on her chest, and her husband's name on her back.

Jewelry/Accessories: Nariko wears a fox pendant around her neck.

~~About The Character~~

Personality: Nariko has no shame when it comes to her body or sexuality. Carefree, youthful, and wild, she's a seductive, flirtatious temptress who is up for anything and everything. Her open-mindedness knows no bounds. Nariko is careless, selfish, and manipulative, enjoying money and attention. Dancing, flirting, and drinking are her middle names alongside sex and money.

Shockingly, Nariko firmly believes that family is everything and has strong family values. She's more maternal and mature than people deem her to be and can be quite the domestic person behind closed doors. For some people, Nariko's presence can be very comforting almost like a mother comforting her child.

It's no surprise that Nariko has a slight fear of commitment and is uninterested in monogamy. Whenever feelings rise up, she bounces with a quickness and gets quite uncomfortable. Despite her domestic side, Nariko doesn't wish to be tied down because she doesn't want to get hurt again. Her track record with sexuality and relationships isn't the greatest and she uses her wild lifestyle as a way to numb and heal herself from all of the pain that she has felt as a result.

Getting close to Nariko in an emotional sense is like pulling teeth and trying to tame her is nearly impossible. She does whatever she wants whenever she wants. Nariko is proud and confident as well as outspoken, brash, straightforward, highly protective of her loved ones, and unafraid of confrontation. Her candor and honesty is something to be appreciated by many as well as her loyalty to those she loves. Judging isn't her style and she will support anyone who comes to her for advice.

As one would guess by her nickname "Bloodhound", Nariko's tenacity and drive are relentless and unmatched. Once she's on a mission, she's determined to complete it and will use all resources that she deems necessary, even her sex appeal. Nariko is stubborn and direct but quite patient, only focusing on the fundamental essence of any issue and disregards the superfluous. She wants to understand everything and knows how to craft just the right question to obtain the answers she seeks.

Favorites: Sex, Freedom, Partying, Children, Money

Least Favorites: Monogamy, Being Restricted, Being Broke, Cocky People, Being Hungry

Hobbies/Interests: Cooking, Dancing

Phobias/Fears: Rats/mice, commitment

Habits: N/A

Mannerisms: Nariko speaks in a flirtatious way, her sex appeal oozing in nearly everything she does. She carries herself with the utmost confidence and uncaring brashness both on and off the field. On the battlefield, Nariko's speech is completely professional and serious but she'll throw in a witty retort every now and then to break the tension.

Skills/Talents: Same as her hobbies

Best Qualities: Confident, Patient, Tenacious, Loyal

Worst Qualities: Manipulative, Selfish, Wild, Hedonistic, Stubborn

Morality/Ethics: Nariko mostly follows an "ends justifies the means" ideology but it does have its limitations for her hence her strong family values. She believes that all ethics and authority should be questioned within reason and that one has a moral obligation to disobey unjust laws. Nariko believes that morality and ethics are purely subjective and therefore don't matter at all in the grand scheme of things.

~~The Character's Relationship With Others~~

Reputation: Nariko is respected for her tenacity and drive as well as her candor and loyalty. However her promiscuity and wild lifestyle is usually looked down upon especially by other kunoichi. Nariko's tendency to use her sex appeal and sometimes seduce her targets to their death is considered unethical by most ninja and her manipulative, selfish attitude definitely doesn't help in that case. But despite all of her flaws, Nariko is still seen as a respectable ninja in her own right and does have her fair share of friends that she is close to.

Love Interest(s): Kakashi Hatake (Likes Him), Iruka Umino (Unsure)

Friend(s): Hayate Gekko, Might Guy, Kurenai Yuhi, Asuma Sarutobi, Yugao Uzuki

Enemies: Orochimaru, The Akatsuki, Kabuto Yakushi


Kakashi Hatake: Nariko has known Kakashi ever since childhood and they have a long history together.

Kakashi has seen Nariko at her best and her worst, being one of the few people who knows her true self. They have a connection that goes deeper than what most people understand at face value and there isn't much that they don't know about each other. Kakashi and Nariko work very well together due to his Anbu history and she holds him in very high regard as a result.

Nariko does have romantic feelings for Kakashi and deeply cares about him but her wild, untamed behavior/lifestyle has created a barrier filled with unresolved tension between them that has made things between them quite unstable in recent years and arguments can become aplenty when they're around each other sometimes.

Iruka Umino: Nariko and Iruka met when they were kids at the Academy and she was laughing at his antics and greatly enjoyed them.

Iruka's big and soft heart makes Nariko melt and when she has any downtime, she will often spend it with him, usually at Ichiraku Ramen. Teasing and flirting with Iruka is practically guaranteed whenever Nariko is around him and she loves to make him flustered, finding his reactions priceless.

Nariko likes Iruka a lot as a person but thinks he's too pure for the likes of her and is mostly unsure of whether she should pursue anything further with him.

~~The Character's Abilities~~

Power/Abilities: N/A

Kekkai Genkai: N/A

Chakra Nature: N/A

Weapon: Nariko uses a pair of katanas.

Fighting Style: Nariko's main specialty is kenjutsu which she usually sticks to in battle. She's capable of wielding up to two swords at once and is proficient at tracking and sensing as well as infiltration. Nariko also utilizes taijutsu whenever necessary but isn't as good as it as she is with kenjutsu.

Preferred Weapons: Katana

Preferred/Favorite Jutsus: Dance Of The Crescent Moon, Shadow Clone Jutsu, Hazy Moon Night, Secret Sword: Moonlight

Knowledge: 7/10

Conceptualization Power: 7/10

Motivation: 8/10

Will To Act: 6/10

Agility: 9/10

Chakra Control: 3/10

Swordsmanship: 8/10

Hand-to-Hand Combat: 6/10

Long-Range Combat: 2/10

Offense: 5/10

Defense: 7/10

Social Skills: 9/10

Endurance: 6/10

Stamina: 5/10

~~The Character's Familial/Biographical Information~~

Birthplace: Konohagakure


Mother: Ayane Mishima (nee Hachijo) | Owner Of Hachi's | Alive

Father: Eisuke Mishima | Ninja | Alive

Twin Brother: Nariyuki Mishima | Ninja | Alive

Younger Sister: Chizuru Mishima | Medical-Nin | Alive

Husband: Ren Morita | Musician | Deceased

Familial Background: Nariko's parents lived next door to each other growing up as kids and they had a very close friendship. When Eisuke enrolled in the Ninja Academy to become a ninja, their relationship faltered a bit due to him focusing heavily on his studies. But after he graduated, he and Ayane rekindled their friendship and as they got older, it slowly turned into romance and their relationship became official once Eisuke became a Chunin.

Since Ayane came from a family of chefs, her main dream was to have her own restaurant and Eisuke supported that dream full-force alongside her family. However he faced opposition from his own family because they wanted him to marry a ninja and threatened to disown him if he married Ayane who was just a civilian.

Rebelling against his family, Eisuke surprised Ayane by taking her on a well-deserved vacation and asking her to marry him which led to them eloping. Despite their best efforts to keep their marriage a secret, Eisuke's family found out when Ayane's subsequent pregnancy became public knowledge in the village.

Despite his family being furious, Eisuke continued to defy them and cut all contact with them in response to their backlash. As far as he was concerned, he was creating a new family. A family that loved and accepted him for who he truly was.

Ayane gave birth to twins: a boy she named Nariyuki and a girl that she named Nariko. Three years later, she gave birth to another girl that she named Chizuru.

Character Background: From a young age, Nariko showed a unique deposition that her family didn't always know how to handle. This made her the black sheep in the Mishima household but it was all in good nature and Nariko learned many good things from her family that she still holds dear to this day.

Wanting his children to become ninja, Eisuke enrolled Nariko and her siblings into the Ninja Academy which she graduated from when she was 8. Her natural aptitude for kenjutsu and sensory abilities as well as infiltration and interrogation led to her being scouted to join the Anbu when she turned 13 despite her father's immense worry for her safety and well-being.

Nariko gained the codename "Bloodhound" for her tenacity, drive, and determination when it came to missions. However outside of the Anbu, Nariko gained another kind of reputation: the wild party girl who was always up for a good time and was rather rebellious. When she was 16, she met a famous musician and drifter named Ren Morita who was performing in the Leaf Village.

Nariko and Ren hit it off instantly and found themselves in a torrid romance that slowly became a whirlwind due to Ren's drug usage and Nariko's duties as an Anbu keeping her away for long periods of time. Fights and arguments were aplenty with the young couple but they would always find a way back to each other only for the cycle to repeat itself.

Things continued for three years until Ren overdosed and was hospitalized. Deciding to change his life for the better, he checked himself into rehab and the young couple decided that it would be best to separate for the time being and work on themselves.

On Nariko's 22nd birthday, Ren surprised her by coming to her birthday party and proposing to her in front of everyone. Six months later, Nariko and Ren were married and their relationship improved significantly. But their bliss only lasted for two years and quickly turned to tragedy.

Ren's wild, rockstar lifestyle eventually caught up with him and he became gravely ill, passing away seven months later. His untimely death was considered a tremendous loss for the music world but no one was more affected than Nariko herself. Losing Ren broke her heart beyond repair and she silently vowed to never open up her heart to anyone else again.

Now Nariko is currently adjusting to life as a widow and using her wild lifestyle to numb and forget about her pain and emptiness but to no avail.

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