Saturday, June 1, 2013

Naruto OC

~~Introduction Of Character~~

Name: Shinobu Kimiko Asahina

Age: 13-14 (Part 1), 17-18 (Part 2)

Gender: Female

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual

Nickname(s): Baby Girl (by Kiba)

Alias(es): N/A

Date Of Birth: March 4th

Date Of Death: N/A

Astrological/Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Japanese

Blood Type: O

Affiliations/Organizations: Konohagakure

Occupation: Ninja
  • Rank: Genin (Part 1), Chunin (Part 2)
  • Team: 4
  • Classification: C-rank (Part 1), B-rank (Part 2)

~~The Character's Appearance~~

General Appearance:

Height: 4'8 (Part 1), 5'3 (Part 2)

Weight: 100 lbs (Part 1), 128 lbs (Part 2)

Handedness: Right

Tattoos/Birthmarks/Scars: N/A

Jewelry/Accessories: Shinobu always wears a purple studded bracelet around her right wrist.

~~About The Character~~

Personality: On the surface, Shinobu is soft-spoken and polite as well as warm and compassionate. Motivation and cheerfulness are also a part of her daily routine. Her biggest personality trait is her calm, "zen-like" nature. Shinobu rarely loses her composure and is always there to offer support and wise advice to anyone who needs it. She's an intellectual and it's not surprising that she's intelligent and studious as well as logical.

Shinobu is an extrovert who's always on the go, participating in many events, activities, and hobbies. She's even-tempered and doesn't get violent unless she's defending herself or her loved ones but she does have a breaking point and it isn't pretty if she reaches it. Shinobu is humble and good-natured as well. She's very loyal and dutiful towards her family and friends even to a fault which can definitely work against her. Shinobu is also very generous, never afraid to help people with financial matters.

But for those who truly know Shinobu, they see a very different side of her. She's highly passive-aggressive and displays anger, hatred, bitterness, and stress in a suppressed but still very detectable fashion. Shinobu is filled with melancholy, rancor, and sullen indignation primarily as a result of the various trials and tribulations brought upon her as it mostly relates to her family. Due to her overwhelming stress, unforthcoming nature, and tendency to hold her feelings in, she has been known to express herself in ways that are unhealthy, passive-aggressive, and at times even volatile and explosive. Shinobu has a sarcastic streak a mile long and snapping/blowing up at people isn't uncommon for her to do. Her reputation in the community has been a major reason for her restraint and unhealthy expressions of pent-up rage but she has her limits and her facade is very capable of slipping away and revealing the true bitch underneath.

Very intuitive, Shinobu always has some idea of what's going on without things being directly revealed to her. At the same time, she often feigns ignorance to certain matters that she's well-aware of. Shinobu is indeed quite two-faced when she's going through conflict with someone. She acts loving and content with them when in public but in private she becomes bitter and saturnine towards them. Crossing Shinobu is not a wise thing to do as she will scheme and plot to make them as miserable as possible or if she's angered enough, she'll lash out at them and hurt them to the fullest.

Favorites: Spicy Food, Meditation, Reading, Dancing, Cooking

Least Favorites: Alcohol, Drugs, Sex Offenders, Ignorance, Corruption

Hobbies/Interests: Shinobu enjoys swimming, dancing, cooking, and reading/writing.

Phobias/Fears: Snakes, Bugs

Habits: Biting her fingernails, twirling her hair

Mannerisms: Shinobu has a gentle yet logical way of speaking. She approaches people with kindness and respect but is very firm about it as well. Shinobu mostly conducts herself with dignity and class but isn't afraid to act out if the situation calls for it or if she reaches her breaking point.

Skills/Talents: Same as her hobbies

Best Qualities: Kind, Generous, Polite, Intelligent, Loyal

Worst Qualities: Passive-Aggressive, Bitter, Two-Faced, Vengeful, Unstable

Morality/Ethics: Shinobu is a firm believer of "An Eye For An Eye" and loves revenge. Because of her kind yet two-faced nature, her moral code is quite gray. Shinobu mostly follows rules and ethics but isn't afraid to break them if need be.

~~The Character's Relationship With Others~~

Reputation: Being the future head of the Asahina clan, Shinobu has a lot of expectations and demands on her. She is considered dependable and sweet by most of her fellow ninja but her passive-aggressive and two-faced nature isn't well-liked by them either. If you were to ask 20 different people about Shinobu, you'd be faced with 20 different answers.

Love Interest(s): Neji Hyuga (Cares About Him), Gaara (Likes Him), Kiba Inuzuka (Has A Crush), Hinata Hyuga (Likes Her)

Friend(s): Hinata Hyuga, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara

Enemies: Shino Aburame (Afraid Of His Bugs), Orochimaru, Itachi Uchiha, The Akatsuki


Neji Hyuga: Shinobu is childhood friends with Neji since their clans have a long historic friendship with one another despite their opposite natures.

Because of their long history together, Shinobu generally gets along with Neji although she's had many a falling out with him because of how much he changed after his father's death and she isn't afraid to call him out on his behavior and how he treats people.

After his defeat by Naruto, Neji's change makes Shinobu happy and their strained friendship is slowly being repaired. No matter how mad Shinobu may get with Neji, she cares about him at the end of the day and is always there when he needs her. He's one of the few in Konoha who knows about her struggles and therefore he understands her more than most people.

Shinobu does wish to have something more with Neji but is unsure of how to approach him without ruining their already fragile friendship.

Gaara: Shinobu met Gaara when he was in Konoha during the Chunin Exams.

While she was largely terrified of Gaara at first and avoided him as much as she could because of that, after his defeat by Naruto's hand and his subsequent change, Shinobu's fear of Gaara has been replaced by one thing: curiosity although she always had that feeling towards him even when she was afraid of him.

Shinobu treats Gaara kindly and politely, always taking into account what he says and trying not to let her curiosity get the better of her so she won't annoy or anger him. She finds him relaxing and calming to be around and feels drawn to him despite not knowing much about him.

Shinobu wants to get closer to Gaara and does indeed like him but prefers to take things slow so she doesn't alarm him.

Kiba Inzuka: Shinobu has known Kiba since childhood due to them attending the Ninja Academy together and hanging out often.

Shinobu always liked being around Kiba and still does to this day. She likes training with him and Akamaru and although they have opposite natures to an extent, they get along shockingly well. But Shinobu does find Kiba's boastfulness to be exasperating at times and usually responds to it with a sassy remark, wanting to shut him up.

It also isn't uncommon for Shinobu and Kiba to flirt and tease each other, their playful banter often serving as entertainment or an annoyance for those around them. Kiba calls Shinobu "Baby Girl" as a term of endearment and they're both protective of each other, always having each other's back.

Shinobu and Kiba are indeed very close and care for each other but have yet to take the next step and have a "more than friends but less than lovers" situation.

Hinata Hyuga: Just like Neji, Shinobu has known Hinata since childhood and is just as close to her as she is to Neji.

Shinobu is very protective of Hinata and wants her to acknowledge her full potential, often encouraging and uplifting her as well as showing immense patience with her. She usually spars with her as well and doesn’t hesitate to stand up for her when someone (usually Neji) is being rude or condescending towards her.

Shinobu finds Hinata adorable and cute, often saying so just to make her blush or flustered. She’s fully aware of Hinata’s crush on Naruto and boldly teases her about it. Despite having her own feelings for the girl, what Shinobu wants for Hinata the most is for her to be happy.

Shinobu does indeed like Hinata but because she has a crush on Naruto, she keeps her feelings a secret and instead encourages Hinata to finally make a move on Naruto.

Riku Takahashi (OC): Shinobu’s teammate that she has known since their Academy days.

Shinobu and Riku didn’t get along very well at first due to Riku not liking her passive-aggressive nature and being very straightforward about how two-faced she is. To put it bluntly, Riku doesn’t tolerate Shinobu’s bullshit and will tell her exactly what is on his mind. This has often lead to arguments and even physical fights between them.

But after Riku learned about Shinobu’s past regarding her family and how much pressure she has on her shoulders, they’ve come to an understanding about each other and actually make a great team in and out of the field. Riku will still tell Shinobu like it is but he exercises more tact than he used to now that he understands where she’s coming from. But the two still bicker and argue although it’s in a more affectionate way now.

Kaito Kimura (OC): Shinobu’s teammate that she met alongside Riku when they were at the Academy.

Unlike Riku with whom she had a rocky start with, Shinobu and Kaito immediately clicked and sparked an instant friendship. Although Kaito shares Riku’s exasperation and dislike of Shinobu’s two-faced and passive-aggressive nature, he approaches it in a diplomatic way, instead trying to look at things from her point of view and giving her logical advice on how to improve. This makes Kaito much easier to approach than Riku from Shinobu’s perspective and she actually listens to him and takes his advice sometimes. Kaito also shares Shinobu’s interest in the arts, his talent being music.

Kaito usually plays the role of peacemaker between Shinobu and Riku, always keeping them in line whenever their bickering gets out of hand and bringing them together when it counts. He’s considered the heart of the team for this very reason and is highly valued and cared for as a result.

Aiko Ishiyama (OC): Shinobu’s sensei that she met after she graduated from the Academy.

Aiko is most concerned about Shinobu’s mental state and keeps a close eye on her because of it. She wants Shinobu to express herself in more healthy ways instead of keeping everything all pent up and locked away inside of her. In return, Shinobu will often cheer Aiko up from her usually bored and depressed deposition (which Aiko tries to hide with jokes, laughter, and sarcasm) and drags her outside to do something fun with her and the teammates. Aiko has an addiction to gambling and alcohol and her students are trying to help her kick them and help her through her depression. In return, Aiko cherishes her students and holds them close to her heart, wanting them to be much better than her and to live happy lives.

~~The Character’s Abilities~~

Powers/Abilities: N/A

Kekkei Genkai: No

Chakra Nature: Water Release

Weapon: Shinobu uses a snake sword with the ability to expand and contract at will. Its design is based on a multi-segmented whip but she can also use it in close combat as a sword when it’s fully contracted. Shinobu can also use chakra to break apart the segments and use them however she wishes. Normally she uses them as projectiles in that case.

Fighting Style: Shinobu primarily uses taijutsu and her snake sword but will occasionally use ninjutsu if need be. Shinobu loves speed and prefers to confuse and trap her opponent so she can finish them off as quickly as possible, aiming for vital areas and any weaknesses they may have.

Preferred Weapon(s): Senbon, Paper Bomb, Smoke Bomb

Preferred/Favorite Jutsus: Water Clone Jutsu, Water Prison Jutsu, Water Release: Wild Water Wave

Knowledge: 8/10
Conceptualization Power: 8/10
Motivation: 7/10
Will To Act: 8/10
Agility: 9/10
Chakra Control: 5/10
Swordsmanship: 7/10
Hand-To-Hand Combat: 6/10
Long-Range Accuracy: 7/10
Offense: 3/10
Defense: 2/10
Social Skills: 4/10
Endurance: 5/10
Stamina: 2/10

~~The Character’s Familial/Biographical Information~~

Birthplace: Konohagakure

Mother: Setsuka Asahina (nee Akutsu) | Alive
Father: Hiroki Asahina | Alive
Younger Sister: Kaede Asahina | Alive
Younger Sister: Miyabe Asahina | Alive

Clan Background: The Asahina clan is known in Konoha for being artistic and make gifted musicians, writers, poets, dancers, etc. They are rather unique, known for thinking outside of society norms and having many members of the LGBT community. Parties and banquets are aplenty with them and they never fail to be entertaining for Konoha. The Asahina clan has been best friends with the Hyuga clan for many generations despite the clans being total opposites.

The Asahina clan are best known for their speed. They are very fast and usually aim for the weak points when it comes to fighting enemies. The most powerful trait of the Asahina clan is their inclusion of unique weapons. When a member of the Asahina clan graduates from the Ninja Academy, they are presented with a weapon they can use in battle, forged by the clan elder Cepheus who is also Shinobu’s paternal grandfather.

The Asahina are somewhat difficult to identify due to them having different physical traits in terms of skin, hair, and eye color. Usually one can identify an Asahina by their weapons since they carry them around always. The clan members also wear at least one purple item on their person since that’s the color that represents them.

Familial Background: Shinobu’s parents Setsuka and Hiroki have a rather volatile history together despite having a loving marriage. They first met when they were 13 and despite them coming from different backgrounds (Setsuka being raised by an abusive, alcoholic mother with no dad in the picture and Hiroki being raised in the loving arms of his clan), they understood each other like no one else did. When Setsuka was 16, she discovered that she was pregnant which resulted in her eloping with Hiroki. At age 17, Setsuka gave birth to a baby girl that she named Shinobu. But everything wasn’t smooth sailing from there. Setsuka began to suffer from postpartum depression, turning to drugs and alcohol to cope which made her next two pregnancies very difficult and high-risk and put a huge strain on her relationship with her family.

Character Background: Shinobu’s early childhood was a roller coaster of love and neglect. The former coming from her father and the latter coming from her mother due to her fragile mental state and troubles with addiction. To make matters worse, Shinobu was raped by her maternal uncle when she was 8 and she never told anyone about it, vowing to take the hurt and pain to the grave. Her father was away on a mission and her mother was out partying with friends.

After Setsuka overdosed on drugs, Hiroki gave her an ultimatum: get help or he would leave with the kids in tow. Setsuka decided to get help and began to undergo counseling and rehab. Over the years, her relationship with her children and her marriage slowly began to repair and things were finally looking up for the Asahina clan.

However, Shinobu isn’t so quick to forgive her mother and rebuild things between them. She doesn’t quite trust her mother and pushes her away because she thinks her past addictions will return and how they've caused her once neglectful behaviors. Plus the rape by her uncle as well as the pressure from her clan has made Shinobu seething with anger and bitterness that she holds in and expresses in very unhealthy ways, mostly towards Setsuka.

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