Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Naruto OC #3

~~Introduction Of Character~~

Name: Yuzuki Aiko Osaki

Age: 13-14 (Part 1), 17-18 (Part 2)

Gender: Female

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual

Nickname(s): Yuzu (by everyone)

Alias(es): N/A

Date Of Birth: December 25th

Date Of Death: N/A

Astrological/Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Japanese

Affiliations/Organizations: Konohagakure

Occupation: Ninja (Medic-Nin)
  • Rank: Genin (Part 1), Chunin (Part 2)
  • Team: 4
  • Classification: C-Rank (Part 1), B-Rank (Part 2)

~~The Character's Appearance~~

General Appearance:

Height: 5'2 (Part 1), 5'7 (Part 2)

Weight: 130 lbs (Part 1), 150 lbs (Part 2)

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Tattoos/Birthmarks/Scars: Yuzuki has a scar on the side of her forehead and has a birthmark on her lower abdomen.

Jewelry/Accessories: N/A

~~About The Character~~

Personality: Yuzuki is a strong-willed, headstrong person who has had to contend with a multitude of sorrow and abuses in her life. Despite her high intelligence (she has an IQ of 130), her cynical nature has made her extremely blunt and often confrontational with others. Yuzuki finds it difficult to fit in with normal society or trust people. She is very adept at reading people and constantly distances herself from others by speaking her observations candidly and bluntly. She is fiercely loyal towards and protective of her loved ones, even to a fault, often hating those who could cause them harm.

Anyone who dares to insult Yuzuki had better watch out because she will gladly let them know where they can stick their unkind words with her caustic, witty tongue. She doesn't take sass from anybody regardless of who they are and always has to have the last word. Yuzuki's guarded, distant, and sometimes rude behavior stems from how angry and wounded she is which she also hides by being fiery and bittersweet.

Despite wanting the best in life and having a very hard work ethic, Yuzuki feels undeserving and suffers from low-self esteem. She often feels miserable and when it comes to relationships, she calls herself a "fatal attractor" or "unboyfriendable" due to her tendency to fall for people who are unattainable or have their own issues as well as pushing them away when things get too close for comfort. Yuzuki is perfectly aware of how fucked-up she is and has moments where she becomes depressed, lash out, or completely indulge herself in hedonistic behaviors.

Favorites: Cooking, Reading, Training, Puzzles

Least Favorites: Her Mother, Failure, Losing, Stupidity

Hobbies/Interests: Yuzuki loves to cook, read, and play various games/puzzles like Shogi, Go, and even Mahjong.

Phobias/Fears: Intimacy, Not Being Good Enough

Habits: N/A

Mannerisms: Yuzuki carries herself in a tough, "don't fuck with me" kind of way. Her speech is blunt, no-nonsense, and usually rude. Towards her friends, Yuzuki becomes a bit softer and tactful, her speech being more laced with sarcasm and playfulness rather than rudeness.

Skills/Talents: Same as her hobbies

Best Qualities: Intelligent, Hard-Working, Headstrong, Loyal

Worst Qualities: Short-Tempered, Low Self-Esteem, Caustic, Masochistic

Mortality/Ethics: Yuzuki is slowly embracing nihilism and hedonism so it's safe to say that her moral compass is somewhat twisted. She believes that one should only live life for themselves and not be bound by what society wants them to be. When it comes to medicine, Yuzuki has an "ends justifies the means" ideology and will do whatever it takes to not let her patients die even it means breaking the rules.

~~The Character's Relationship With Others~~

Reputation: As a medic-nin, Yuzuki is highly regarded and praised for her work ethic and going above and beyond for her fellow ninja. Although her penchant for breaking the rules gives her seniors a lot of headaches, her drive and ambition make up for it. On a personal level however, Yuzuki isn't so popular. Her tough, bitchy attitude and blunt, rude speech turn people away from her so it's difficult for her to make friends or even acquaintances. Some people consider it a miracle that she even has friends at all.

Love Interest(s): Shikamaru Nara (Likes Him), Naruto Uzumaki (Cares About Him), Sasuke Uchiha (Has A Crush)

Friend(s): Naruto Uzumaki, Tenten, Hinata Hyuga, Choji Akimichi, Kiba Inuzuka

Enemies: Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka, Orochimaru, Itachi Uchiha, The Akatsuki


Shikamaru Nara: Yuzuki met Shikamaru when they were at the Academy and he noticed her playing Shogi.

Yuzuki admires Shikamaru's superior intellect and intelligence, striving to be more like him in that area. One would think that Shikamaru's laziness and carefree nature would disgust Yuzuki but it actually has the opposite effect on her. In fact, she envies Shikamaru for it and enjoys being around him. Yuzuki loves playing puzzles and games with him and they often challenge each other to the point of having a rivalry.

It's no surprise that Yuzuki and Shikamaru make a good duo since they both share a high intelligence despite their opposite natures. If they're ever on a mission together, one can expect a high probability of success. Shikamaru's one of the few ninja that Yuzuki can work with without arguments and conflict.

Yuzuki likes Shikamaru indeed and highly respects him which she shows by remaining loyal and enjoying his company whenever she can.

Naruto Uzumaki: Yuzuki has known Naruto since childhood, befriending him when she saw him sitting alone by himself.

Naruto is one of only two people in the village who knows about Yuzuki's troubled childhood and current home life which shows how much she trusts him. Yuzuki is very defensive of Naruto and will protect him against insults that are unwarranted as well as cheer him up whenever he's down. Whenever the pair are together, a good time is guaranteed to happen.

Yuzuki is also Naruto's on-and-off roommate and can usually be seen at his home in between missions. She often goes there to escape from the sadness she's living in and sometimes vents to Naruto. He's the only one who's ever seen her vulnerable, true self which makes Yuzuki's relationship with Naruto possibly the most intimate out of all her relationships.

Yuzuki considers Naruto her closest friend and he's the only reason why she hasn't gone off the deep end yet. She really cares about him and values him like she hasn't valued anyone before.

Sasuke Uchiha: Yuzuki has known Sasuke since early childhood, being an acquaintance of his before his clan was massacred.

Due to knowing him before the Uchiha massacre, Yuzuki knows of Sasuke's pain and isn't surprised by his change. She has respect for his skills but rarely expresses it verbally, preferring a more subtle approach. Yuzuki treats Sasuke like she treats any other ninja but isn't as rude or bitchy towards him because she doesn't find him stupid or annoying like she does most people. Whenever she does interact with him, it's short, sweet, and to the point with a slice of sarcasm and sass.

Yuzuki does have a crush on Sasuke but keeps it a secret and distances herself from him because she considers him unattainable and way out of her league.

Izayoi Kururugi (OC): Yuzuki's sensei that she met after graduation.

Yuzuki considers Izayoi to be another mother figure and she's one of the most important people in her life. Izayoi keeps a close eye on Yuzuki's mental state and is always there to give her the guidance and direction that she desperately craves. Izayoi is the only other person (besides Naruto) who knows the true extent of Yuzuki's childhood and overall misery which is how she's able to understand her so well.

Izayoi wants Yuzuki to be the best she can be as well as be strong enough to combat her demons and considers it her responsibility to be the mentor that she desperately needs.

Hideki Ryuga (OC): Yuzuki's teammate that she has known since early childhood.

Hideki and Yuzuki get along well due to them both sharing a bad attitude and short temper as well as a hard work ethic. It's almost uncanny how much alike they are. One would expect them to bump heads frequently but that rarely happens. Hideki understands Yuzuki despite not knowing much about her past and considers her a great ninja as well as a great woman.

Yuzuki values Hideki both on a personal and professional level and thinks of him as a good friend and teammate. But she isn't as open towards him as she is towards Naruto and Izayoi because she doesn't completely trust him yet nor feels comfortable enough around him.

Nobuo Adachi (OC): Yuzuki's teammate that she has known since their Academy days.

Compared to Hideki, Yuzuki and Nobuo have a more rocky relationship in comparison. Nobuo isn't quite gentle when it comes to Yuzuki's issues, preferring the tough love approach. He isn't very tolerant when it comes to her anger issues and instinct to run away from her problems. Due to this, Nobuo tends to lash out in anger and frustration towards Yuzuki which she returns tenfold, often leading to blowouts that may even turn physical.

Despite all of this, Nobuo never tolerates any insult towards Yuzuki no matter how badly she may behave. The reason why he is so harsh towards Yuzuki sometimes is because of how protective he's become of her. He doesn't want Yuzuki to get hurt anymore than she already has and truly has her best interests at heart.

~~The Character's Abilities~~

Powers/Abilities: N/A

Kekkei Genkai: N/A

Chakra Nature: N/A

Weapon: N/A

Fighting Style: Being a medic-nin, Yuzuki's main priority is to avoid getting injured and to survive as long as possible. As expected, she has excellent chakra control and mainly uses it to send chakra throughout her entire body to be able to withstand blows. Yuzuki mostly uses taijutsu and when combined with her chakra control, she can paralyze enemies and neutralize them so they'll no longer be a threat.

Preferred Weapon(s): Senbon, Kunai

Knowledge: 8/10

Conceptualization Power: 8/10

Motivation: 8/10

Will To Act: 6/10

Agility: 5/10

Chakra Control: 7/10

Swordsmanship: 0/10

Hand-to-Hand Combat: 5/10

Long-Range Accuracy: 2/10

Offense: 4/10

Defense: 7/10

Social Skills: 2/10

Endurance: 8/10

Stamina: 7/10

~~The Character's Familial/Biographical Information~~

Birthplace: Konohagakure

Mother: Yuna Tanaka (nee Osaki) | Doctor | Alive
Stepfather: Kazuya Tanaka | Ninja | Alive
Younger Brother: Akira Tanaka | Deceased

Familial Background: Yuzuki's mother Yuna was a huge party animal in her youth despite her high intelligence. Sex, drugs, and alcohol were her main pastimes and she became known for having a rather vast sexual history. This resulted in Yuna becoming pregnant with Yuzuki and not knowing who the father was due to being black-out drunk. She had to give up her carefree lifestyle to raise Yuzuki as a single mother, becoming a doctor like she always wanted and working long hours. Yuna eventually fell in love with a ninja named Kazuya and married him, giving birth to a son named Akira.

Character Background: Yuzuki's early childhood was filled with abuse, neglect, and misery due to her mother being an alcoholic as well as a workaholic. She had to grow up quickly and didn't have much of a chance to be a kid since she had to take care of her mother and clean her up. But that eventually changed when her mother got married to her stepfather and she got sober and more dedicated to being a better mother to Yuzuki, turning a complete 180 when Akira was born.

Wanting to make something better of herself, Yuzuki decided to enter the Ninja Academy in order to become a medic-nin. Because Yuzuki had trouble fitting in and carried herself differently, the other students often laughed at her and called her names, bullying her.

In response, Yuzuki developed a mean streak and fought back against her bullies which was how her bitchy reputation got started. The only way she found solace was through the few friends she made, even going over to their houses after school and helping them out with homework.

But tragedy struck when Yuzuki graduated from the Ninja Academy. While she was out with her family, her brother was kidnapped. After an exhaustive search and investigation, Akira's body was found three days later on the outskirts of the village. His murder destroyed Yuzuki's mother and she fell back into old habits, mainly smoking and drinking. Yuzuki's stepfather drowned himself in work and Yuzuki adopted similar habits as well as harboring guilt that she's only shared with a few select people.

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