Monday, November 26, 2012

College OCs

Basic Information

Full Name: Cereza Isabella Valentine
Nicknames: Ivy (by everyone), Darling (by Castiel), My Valentine (by Castiel)
Age: 21
Birthday: December 25th
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Virginal Status: Non-virgin
Marital Status: Single

Current Location: Los Angeles, California, United States Of America
Place Of Birth: Miami, Florida, United States Of America

Race/Heritage: Puerto Rican and Dominican
Blood Type: O
Dominant Hand: Right
Religion: N/A
Fluent Languages: English, Spanish
Allergies: Onions, Shrimp

Occupation: College Student


In regards to Cereza's personality, her instant trademark is how she is shown to always prefer black clothes, basically the American goth look. She inspires coldness and distance at first glance. Rather abrupt and often of a sarcastic humor, she can seem particularly stiff and ironic. But this appearance exists only to hide her generous and sensitive inner nature, because behind this mask hides a being filled with warmth and with human qualities such as kindness, helpfulness, delicacy and sincerity.

Cereza prefers getting acquainted and knowing people first before opening up to them, but once trust is established, she assumes a limitless fidelity towards the people whom she likes.

A fine observer, she is adept at understanding people and emotion. Good at sports, very smart (as seen by her responses to difficult situations), a hundred percent natural, Cereza is the perfect opposite of the typical college girl and is very popular, although she seems oblivious to it. Also differing from her female peers, most of Cereza's friends appear to be men. She is also a very applied pupil, who excels particularly in the literary subjects. Considered as having a great scholastic potential, she has the respect and trust of her professors which is very easy to see.

Socially, Cereza's relationships do not seem to preoccupy her much and she seems to pay real attention only to her inner group of friends. While some schoolmates admire her and others despise her, she pays no attention rather focusing her attention only on her group of friends. She is shown to be very popular among boys who are interested in her, enticed by her natural and cryptic beauty. Cereza, however, often kindly rejects any attempt on their part. She is more or less a wall flower, often secluding herself from others despite having potential for popularity.

She is undoubtedly very mature and thoughtful. Naturally warranting respect, her opinion is always taken into account. She always acts amongst her peers as defending others: it is she who makes important decisions on her loved ones' direction, and it is to her that they come for advice.

Likes: Gymnastics, martial arts, fixing things, video games, computers
Dislikes: Disorganization, drama, superficiality, bad grades, loud noises/crowds

Fears: Heights, rats/mice

Either Or:
Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Daredevil or Cautious: Cautious
Logical or Emotional: Logical
Prefers working or relaxing: Working
Confident or unsure of herself: Confident
Animal Lover: No

Intelligence: 8/10
Confidence: 7/10
Wisdom: 8/10
Agility: 9/10
Stamina: 5/10
Cooperation: 5/10

Yes or No?:
Smoker: No
Drinker: Yes
Nail Biter: No
Athletic: Yes
Bookworm: No
Kleptomaniac: No
Party Animal: No
Vegetarian: No
Workaholic: Yes
Glasses: No
Contacts: No


Face Claim: Michelle Rodriguez

Scars: N/A
Tattoos: Cereza has a cherry on her chest and a crow on her sternum.

Dress Style: Cereza is a goth and highly prefers to wear dark-colored clothes. Her tomboyish and natural nature also influence how she dresses, preferring comfort over beauty.


Father: Carlos Valentine | Chief Engineer | Alive
Cereza idolizes her father and always wanted to be like him. They are very close and talk to each other frequently. Carlos is protective of Cereza as one would expect and always looks out for her well-being. Whenever Cereza is having trouble with her studies, Carlos is always there to help her and is proud that she wishes to follow his career choice. Cereza is definitely a daddy's girl and isn't ashamed of that.

Mother: Carmelita Valentine (nee Fox) | Housewife (current); U.S. Marine (former) | Alive
Cereza isn't as close to her mother as she is to her father but she loves her greatly nonetheless. Cereza inherited most of her personality traits from Carmelita and when they're around each other, the similarities are uncanny. Cereza is a natural tomboy while Carmelita is more feminine which can be a source of annoyance between them. Carmelita often gives Cereza advice when it comes to love, friendship, and her relationship with Castiel which always helps her when she truly needs it.

Younger Brother: Erik Valentine | U.S. Navy | Alive
Cereza and Erik have a typical brother-sister relationship. Although they normally get along quite well, they can have their quarrels and arguments like most siblings do. Cereza and Erik look out for one another and it's not uncommon for Erik to be the mediator between her and Castiel, often teasing them and poking fun at their relationship.

Past: Born into a middle-class household, Cereza's childhood was what one would consider normal and conforming. But she was anything but. Much to her mother's chagrin, Cereza was a big tomboy and became a goth as she got older, wanting to become an engineer like her father.

Cereza was an excellent student in high school which lead to her getting a full ride scholarship to UCLA. She decided to major in engineering and business management. Promising to keep in contact with her family, Cereza moved to Los Angeles to begin her education and new life.

Basic Information

Full Name: Castiel Samuel Morgan
Nicknames: N/A
Age: 19
Birthday: November 11th
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Virginal Status: Non-virgin
Marital Status: Single

Current Location: Los Angeles, California, United States Of America
Place Of Birth: Dallas, Texas, United States Of America

Race/Heritage: Caucasian
Blood Type: AB
Dominant Hand: Right
Religion: Atheist
Fluent Languages: English, German, Spanish, French
Allergies: Cherries

Occupation: College Student


The first thing that most people notice about Castiel is that he's introverted. He doesn't say much about his personal life and is evasive when someone asks him about himself or his family. Castiel has trouble opening up to people and hides his feelings in order to use them all the more explosively in action. Whenever someone he is close to is in danger, his feelings tend to surface very quickly.

Although he is a fairly withdrawn individual, Castiel has a fair amount of friends and is even the object of affection for many girls in the school - mainly for his looks, athletic ability and alluring personality. His strong feelings for Cereza, however, keep him from pursuing any other romantic attention and to frequently reject many romantic offers.

Although he's wealthy, he rejects the snobbery of the upper classes, thinking that his wealth isn't a big deal. Though on the outside, Castiel appears to be fairly emotionally strong, he deals with hidden issues in a way that only few could understand. He has low self-esteem and confidence at times which can be a huge hindrance for him when it comes to expressing how he feels especially towards Cereza.

Likes: Sports, food, reading, anime, being with Cereza
Dislikes: Nosey people, losing/failure, uncertainty, homophobia, snobs

Fears: Not being good enough, flying

Either Or:
Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Daredevil or Cautious: Daredevil
Logical or Emotional: Emotional
Prefers working or relaxing: Relaxing
Confident or unsure of himself: Unsure of himself
Animal Lover: Yes

Intelligence: 6/10
Confidence: 3/10
Wisdom: 5/10
Agility: 8/10
Stamina: 9/10
Cooperation: 3/10

Yes or No?:
Smoker: No
Drinker: Yes
Nail Biter: No
Athletic: Yes
Bookworm: No
Kleptomaniac: No
Party Animal: No
Vegetarian: No
Workaholic: No
Glasses: No
Contacts: No


Face Claim: Leonardo DiCaprio

Scars: Castiel has a scar on his arm and his left wrist.
Tattoos: Castiel has a dragon on his back.

Dress Style: Castiel is casual and low maintenance in his dress, not really caring about fashion and looks.


Adoptive Mother: Shizuru Morgan (nee Yukimura) | CEO of Violet Systems Inc. | Alive
Shizuru and Castiel have a good relationship but it's also filled with tension because of her high expectations of him. Shizuru wants nothing but the best for Castiel and is very protective of him almost to the point of being overbearing. Castiel loves Shizuru dearly and is very grateful to her but wishes to be more free to make his own choices without her always giving her input all the time.

Adoptive Mother: Veronica Morgan | Lawyer | Alive
Veronica is more relaxed and hands-on when it comes to Castiel and it's because of this that they're so close. He feels like he can truly be himself around her without being judged. Whenever Castiel needs advice, he's far more likely to go to Veronica especially when it comes to Cereza. While Veronica does have high expectations for Castiel, she isn't as overbearing as Shizuru which makes her more approachable and easier to talk to.

Past: Castiel was left in front of a hospital by his biological mother and was adopted by a lesbian couple when he was six months old. Because Veronica and Shizuru were rich, they were able to provide Castiel with the best money could afford and give him the childhood that he deserved.

But his childhood came with its fair share of issues. Since Castiel was adopted and by a lesbian couple at that, he had to deal with bullying and became a reclusive outcast. The only way he could fit in was by playing sports (more specifically martial arts) and that's where most of his energy went. As Castiel entered middle school and high school, he gained more confidence and self-esteem thanks to his newfound friends but had to deal with his parents having high expectations of him now that he was becoming a man.

After graduating from high school, Castiel's parents sent him to UCLA to continue his education since Shizuru was an alumni there and because they wanted him to spread his wings. Castiel is unsure of what he wishes to major and just plans to get his core classes out the way before he's forced to choose.

Their Story/Relationship:

Castiel and Cereza officially met each other during a martial arts class they were both attending, later bonding over their shared interest in Pencak Silat and an instant romantic attraction following soon after when Cereza began to tutor Castiel in his studies.

The relationship of Castiel and Cereza is complex and often very ambiguous since they don't share their thoughts about each other often, even though their feelings are more than obvious to those around them. Strong respect, mutual admiration and reciprocal feelings (although distant) join these two figures in a very strong relationship. They often find themselves wavering between platonic friendship and genuine romance on a regular basis.

Castiel deals with insecurity in this confusing relationship, often questioning how Cereza truly feels about him and at times left to believe that she doesn't feel the same way about him as he does her. Nonetheless, his feelings for her can sometimes cause him to do things that might be considered stupid.

Castiel also has the habit of getting easily and obsessively jealous whenever he sees Cereza with any male that isn't a mutual friend or family member of theirs and starts to question their relationship. He becomes extremely competitive when it comes to winning over Cereza and is extremely protective of her when she is in danger.

With Cereza mirroring some of these traits, it's not surprising that their relationship is so complicated and difficult to figure out.

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