Monday, November 26, 2012

Teacher x Student OCs

Basic Information

Full Name: Bellemere Vanessa Cartier
Nicknames: Belle (by everyone), Nessa (by everyone)
Aliases: Bellemere's stripper name is Black Beauty.

Age: 21
Birthday: November 11th

Race/Ethnicity: African-American
Religion: Atheist
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Place Of Birth: Paris, France
Current Residence: Los Angeles, California, United States Of America
Fluent Languages: English, French
Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Stripper, bartender, and waitress

Physical Appearance

Overall Figure: Bellemere's figure is curvy and a bit on the chubby side, mostly thick.

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Bellemere's hair is curly, thick, and she normally wears it down or in a ponytail, only using other styles for special occasions.

Piercings: Ears
Tattoos: Bellemere has the symbol for anarchy on her right forearm, a pair of wings on her back, and a broken heart with the name "Jessie" under it above her right breast.
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Bellemere has a scar near her left temple and another one on her stomach.

Clothing Style: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3


Smoker - Occasionally | Drinker - Yes | Drug User - No

Disabilities (Physical or Otherwise): N/A
Mental Illnesses: Bellemere suffers from clinical depression alongside PTSD and has attempted suicide twice.
Addictions: N/A
Allergies: Coconut, Cherries


Bellemere is a very hurt and wounded woman born of an abusive background. Her cynical nature was born as a result, making her extremely blunt and confrontational with others and finding it difficult to fit in with normal society or to trust people. Bellemere is very adept at reading people and constantly distances herself from others by speaking her observations and thoughts candidly and bluntly. She's headstrong, obnoxious, and unafraid to take charge, doing whatever she feels is right or whatever she wants to do.

Although Bellemere doesn't have many friends, the friends she does make she keeps for life. Her strong, bold personality enables her to protect and stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves, not being afraid of the consequences. Bellemere hates injustice and is very vengeful, her explosive temper being one of the main things she'll use to get back at people who wrong her or her loved ones.

Bellemere's guarded, distant, and sometimes rude behavior stems from how angry and wounded she is which she also hides by being fiery and bittersweet. Despite wanting the best in life and having a very hard work ethic, Bellemere feels undeserving and suffers from low-self esteem. She often feels miserable and when it comes to relationships, she calls herself a "fatal attractor" or "unboyfriendable" due to her tendency to fall for people who are unattainable or have their own issues as well as pushing them away when things get too close for comfort. Bellemere is perfectly aware of how fucked-up she is and has moments where she becomes depressed, lash out, or completely indulge herself in hedonistic behaviors.


Money (Focus on)
Sexual Lust

Fears: Heights, bugs

Favorite Color: Red

Hobbies: Motorcycles, video games, books, dancing

Taste In Music: Bellemere will listen to anything with a catchy tune or meaningful message.


  • Bellemere is a great dancer hence her occupation as a stripper. She knows many styles but prefers pole dancing.
  • Bellemere is an avid biker and loves motorcycles, also being a member of a motorcycle gang called the Black Knights.
  • She is currently practicing wushu and is now a blue belt.


Peaceful or Aggressive: Aggressive
Fighting Skills:
  • Street Fighting
  • Wushu

Family, Friends, and Foes

Mother: Jeanne Cartier | Hairdresser | Alive
Father: Rodin Briggs | U.S. Marine | Alive
Stepmother: Rosa Briggs (nee Saab) | FBI Agent | Alive
Twin Brother: Benjamin Cartier | Mechanic | Alive
Younger Sister: Jacqueline Briggs | Alive
Younger Brother: Saero Briggs | Alive

Love Interest: Lee Chen

Past: Born in Paris, France, Bellemere and her twin brother Benjamin were born as the result of a brief affair between a hairdresser and a Marine. Jeanne and Rodin's relationship was on and off due to the former's erratic and dangerous behavior alongside alcoholism and drug use. She was often abusive towards Rodin and their children both physically and mentally. The final straw came for Rodin when Jeanne allowed her drug dealer to rape Bellemere and Benjamin who were 13 at the time in exchange for drugs and money. Rodin beat the man to death in a fit of rage and left Jeanne for good, taking the twins with him.

The trio moved to Rodin's hometown of Los Angeles where it was revealed that he was secretly in a relationship with his long-time friend Rosa and had two children with her named Jacqueline and Saero. Rosa quickly accepted Bellemere and Benjamin as her own although it took a while for the feeling to be reciprocated due to the abuse they suffered at the hands of Jeanne and Bellemere's suicide attempt that followed shortly thereafter. Rodin and Rosa finally decided to marry six months later and for the first time, the twins began to experience the true love and comfort of a family.

Unlike her twin brother, Bellemere had a difficult time fitting into her new life when it came to her peers. After transferring to a new junior high school, she became an outcast and rebel due to her sharp tongue and cold, brutal demeanor. Her fashion sense didn't help much either since she began dressing in the gothic and emo fashions. She later found refuge and belonging with the respective crowds, becoming a bit more sociable and making a few friends in the process.

When Bellemere started high school, she began to date one of her close friends named Jessie Belrose and came out as bisexual. Their relationship blossomed for a year and a half until Jessie went missing and was later found dead, her body dumped in a river. Bellemere was devastated and attempted suicide for the second time, leading to her father taking her to therapy where she was diagnosed with clinical depression and PTSD.

She continued to attend therapy until she graduated from high school, wanting to deal with her issues on her own from that point on. Deciding to go to college, Bellemere decided to work at a local restaurant and club to put herself through school where she recognized her affinity for dancing, leading for her to become a stripper there on top of being a bartender and waitress. She also became a biker and joined a motorcycle gang called the Black Knights. One night after work, she was ambushed by a group of bikers from a rival gang and was saved by a man named Lee Chen who eventually invited her to become a student at his dojo so she could learn how to defend herself.

At first, Bellemere rejected his offer out of stubbornness but Lee was persistent and began to frequently visit her workplace as well as being one of her professors at school. She's currently studying wushu at his dojo and is now a blue belt as a result of Lee's training and is taking one of his courses at school.

Basic Information

Full Name: Lee Vincent Chen
Nickname: Vince (by everyone)
Aliases: N/A

Age: 30
Birthday: March 13th

Race/Ethnicity: Chinese
Religion: Buddhist
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Place Of Birth: Los Angeles, California, United States Of America
Current Residence: Los Angeles, California, United States Of America
Fluent Languages: English, Chinese
Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Martial arts instructor and college professor

Physical Appearance

Overall Figure: Lee is very athletic due to his history with martial arts and his body shows it well. He's muscular and fit, always making sure to keep himself in shape and stay healthy.

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Lee keeps his hair neatly cut and trimmed.

Piercings: None
Tattoos: Lee has a dragon on his back and the Four Star Dragon Ball on his chest.
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Lee has many scars from his various fights and training, some superficial and others more noticeable.

Clothing Style: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3


Smoker - No | Drinker - Yes | Drug User - No

Disabilities: Lee suffers from asthma.
Mental Illnesses: Lee suffers from anxiety and minor depression.
Addictions: Lee loves coffee but always makes sure to get decaf.
Allergies: Dust


Lee is an extrovert who enjoys being around others and likes to teach and help others which his occupations make obvious. He can usually be seen with a smile or smirk on his face. He's very honest to the point of being blunt and doesn't mince words. Lee says whatever is on his mind which can get him in trouble more often than he would like. He loves a good laugh and his sense of humor is mostly well-rounded because of his extroverted nature. While not overly optimistic, Lee does like to think positively regardless of what bad things happen in his life. He uses it as a coping mechanism even.

Lee is very stubborn even to a fault. Once his mind is made up, it's nearly impossible to change it. Talking to him is like talking to a brick wall sometimes. He gives his all when it comes to love and friendship, wearing his heart on his sleeve. Lee is passionate and charming as well as loyal to his lovers. He's a good listener and gives practical, unbiased advice whenever he can. Lee likes to get underneath people's skin, bordering on sadism. Whether he's trying to get his point across or if he just wants to mess with someone for shits and giggles.



Fears: Enclosed spaces, abandonment

Favorite Color: Blue

Hobbies: Calligraphy, meditation, yoga

Taste In Music: Lee likes R&B, jazz, and classical music, preferring to relax and be calm.


  • Lee is an expert in martial arts, his style of choice being wushu which he has mastered several styles of as well as studying some of wushu's main weapons.
  • He excels in calligraphy and does it often either for his own amusement or for others.
  • Lee enjoys yoga and meditation, participating in them whenever he can.

Peaceful or Aggressive: Peaceful
Fighting Skills:
  • Wushu

Family, Friends, and Foes

Mother: Jean Chen (nee Chang) | U.S. Marine | Alive
Father: Gus Chen | Dojo Owner | Alive

Love Interest: Bellemere Cartier

Past: Lee's childhood was mostly filled with loneliness due to his military mother usually being overseas and away from home. His father ran a very popular dojo so Lee kept himself busy by learning wushu despite his fragile health. He made many friends thanks to his father having lots of students and while he still felt lonely because of his mother's frequent absences, being around lots of people helped him cope with it.

When Lee was 14, he began to suffer sexual abuse at the hands of a babysitter named Carmelita Blade. The horror continued for six months before his mother walked in on them and angrily beat Carmelita to death. The experience made Lee begin to act out, withdrawing himself from others and getting into fights frequently. Concerned about their son's dangerous behavior, Gus and Jean took Lee to see a therapist. After being diagnosed with anxiety and depression, he confronted his issues and graduated from high school at the age of 17.

He decided to go to college right away and decided to become a college professor, discovering a hidden passion for teaching. He got his Masters by the time he was 25 and quickly became a respected professor in his own right. During this time, Lee decided to become an instructor at his father's dojo and decided to stay there after graduating, now having two jobs at once.

One night, he saved a woman named Bellemere Cartier from getting jumped by a biker gang. Instantly attracted to her, he offered to teach her wushu and was rejected. Not one to give up easily, Lee continued to pursue Bellemere and visited the restaurant and club where she worked at until she finally relented. She's now a blue belt as a result of his training and he also teaches her at school since she's in one of his classes.

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